13: Confessions

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Maya's POV: I never thought I would miss Mrs. Matthews macaroni and cheese so much. I've literally eaten about three bowls of this stuff in the last hour. Hey, don't judge me. It's a bunch of cheesy goodness. How can I not want more? As a way of making me feel more at home, Mrs. Matthews decided to make me the amazingly delicious food. I kept saying that she didn't have to and just being here with them was enough to make me feel at home, which earned me a hug from Riley, but Mrs. Matthews insisted and was already pulling out a big pot and boiling some water. I couldn't argue with her, knowing she's gonna win so I just let her do her thing.

I just finished my third bowl and was about to ask for more but then a hand appeared in front of my face and snatched the bowl from me. I looked up about to give this person a piece of my mind for depriving me of the amazing food and immediately grimaced. Huckelberry was holding the bowl and another one in his other hand while giving me a half grin.

"Give me back the bowl." I said annoyed with his presence.

"I think you've eaten your weight in mac n' cheese. Come help me wash the dishes?" He asks and holds out the bowl for me to take. I decide that if I eat the whole pot of mac n' cheese now I won't have any for later so I take the bowl and go over to the sink with Lucas.

He turns the water on and starts rinsing our bowls. After he's gotten most of the gooey cheese out he hands me a rag and pours some dish soap in my bowl and I start scrubbing.

"So...how does it feel to be back?" Lucas ask as he pours some dish soap in his bowl and starts scrubbing away at it.

"It feels weird." I say after some time.


"Yeah." I put the bowl under the water, rinsing off the soap. "I just thought I'd never see this place again. Everything is still flowing the way it used to. I feel a little out of place though."

"You're right where you're supposed to be." He spoke nonchalantly but his words meant a lot.

"Thanks Huckleberry but I don't really know if you're words of wisdom can make me feel better. I've been gone for some time. I only know bits and pieces of what's happened." I sigh, scrubbing my bowl.

Lucas sighs for a second and stops washing his bowl for a second and then he continues to talk. "Smackle and Farkle are finally dating. It took them some time to tell each other how they feel but it worked out great for the both of them."

I was confused on how he changed the subject to Farkle and Smackle. I didn't have time to ask why though.

"Riley is on the volleyball team. It's one of the things she threw herself into to get over...you know." It hurts to be reminded of Riley's pain but hearing she made the volleyball team? That's surprising to hear. Riley with sports? Shocking. "She's actually helped the school win a few games. The sport helps her, clears her head. Zay has been getting caught around with this new girl. Her name is Zoey. I know she likes him and he likes her too but he'll never admit that."

I jumped in. "Let me guess. He doesn't want to ruin his street cred?" I ask and Lucas chuckles and nods his head. "Yeah I've heard about little miss Zoey. I don't see why he won't tell her how he feels. What's the worse that could happen?"

"Yeah it's kind of like..." Lucas started but he didn't finish his sentence. He wasn't smiling no more. There was a crease in the middle of his forehead and their was a small frown on his face.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask trying to make him open up.

"Nothing never mind." He mutters as he rinses his bowl. I couple seconds go by of silence and it was really awkward so I try to make the friendly atmosphere come back. "What about you? What's new with you?"

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