12: Reunion

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Maya's POV:

Slow breaths. Light touches. Almonds. Slow breaths against my neck, ghosting my skin with warmth. Light touches on my abdomen as delicate fingers play with the hem of my hoodie. The smell of almonds reaching my nose from long, gorgeous brunette hair. I take in these senses and transfer them into my memory, never wanting to forget them.

We've been lying here for ten minutes, silence falling over us as we enjoy each other's company that's been long overdue.

I haven't had time to really process everything. I'm actually back home. I'm out of hiding and I'm back. I'm cuddling with Riley. My heart warms at the sight of her, her eyes hidden behind her eyelids, a slight smile on her lips, long brunette hair cascading down to the small of her back. Beautiful.

I don't really know how to react to this. I mean every part of my body is buzzing with excitement from the feeling up against mine but I'm not necessarily talking about that. When I was downstairs I could read everyone's faces. I could see joy and relief in all of them. Seeing them all in tears because of me, because they missed me, it made me feel guilty but wanted and loved. Hugging my mom was something that brought me to tears. She was so overjoyed with full on tears falling down her face and I could see how mad she got when she heard that I got knocked out, kidnapped, and brought here against my will.

Crap. God what did I get Zay into? All he tried to do was look out for me and how does he get repaid? A raging Farkle trying to knock his head off and the rest of the group and family, besides Lucas, hating his guts. I'm so grateful for everything he has done for me. I have to make it up to him. I owe it to him.

Looking around the room I feel all types of nostalgia hitting me. The pictures on the wall of Riley, Farkle,  Auggie, Lucas, Mr and Mrs. Matthews and me. So many pictures of me and Riley. I turn my head to the right and I see the infamous bay window. So many things have happened in that very window. So many laughs, so many hugs, so many arguments, so many tears shed. It was one of the spots where I started to look at Riley as more than a bestfriend, the memory still fresh in my mind.

"Maya we're not gonna throw water balloons at random people." Riley said as she continued to fan herself with her hand. It was a hot day in July and when I say hot I mean blazing. It was at least 120 degrees and I felt like I was melting. Both of our clothes were sticking to our skin and I wanted nothing more than to take a cold shower and stay in there, but that would run up the water bill and my mom couldn't afford that.

"Why not? It would be a lot more entertaining than sitting here doing nothing and we would be doing them a favor. It feels like Satan's ass crack today." I say, sitting at the bay window with one leg bent up. Thank god I wore shorts that day.

Riley sat up off the floor and gave me a look. "I'm not gonna get arrested Maya."

"Who says we're gonna get arrested?"

"If I'm doing it with you, we're getting arrested." She says and I playfully gasp. "I'm offended."

"Get over it." She chuckles while getting up, swiping my leg off the seat and sitting down. I place my leg back up in her lap and she just shakes her head.

"Well what do you suggest we do?" I ask, running a hand through my sweaty hair.

At that moment Riley looked off into the distance, eyes squinted and a pink lip between her teeth. She ran a hand through her hair and in that moment she looked so.....hot and sexy. She looked back at me after a couple of seconds. "We could go to the pool."

"Can't, got banned for three weeks." I say while checking my phone.

"How-How did you get banned?" She ask looking at me as if I'm the dumbest person on Earth.

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