4: Blast From the Past

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Maya's POV:
Time stopped. Nothing moved. Nothing made a sound. The only thing I could hear was my breathing, shallow and short. The only thing I could feel was my heart pounding in my chest. The only thing I could taste was nothing, seeing as my mouth went dry. The only thing I could smell was the hotdogs being made across the street at a hotdog stand. But the sense that overtook all of those was my sight. And the sight in front of me was still a shock to every part of me.

There stood Lucas Friar. Ex-friend, ex-love interest, ex-nemesis. Sundance, Hop-along, Huckleberry. Cunt bag. Oh that's a new one. I gotta write that down. The very person that is the reason for me leaving everything behind is right in front of me. The feelings that are rushing through me are anything but grateful. There's so much that could be said at this very moment. So much that I wanna let out, but I don't wanna give away too much. I don't want anybody to know what my true intentions were when I left. And now that he's right here in front of me, everything that I've always wanted to say is on the brink of being let out.

"Maya who is this guy?"

Mikey's voice cuts through the air and brings me back to reality. I looked at him and he was looking back at me with a confused expression on his face. He knows who Riley is and only her. He knows about my crush on her and what was going on but I didn't go into detail about who Riley's boyfriend was or anybody else from my past for that matter. I didn't want him putting faces to names and try and confront them. The most Mikey knows is that the guy is from Texas and that he's a dick whistle. Wow, I'm on fire with these insults. I quickly gather myself together, despite the fact that me and Lucas have been staring at each other in shock for the past minute, and I finally speak.

"Um this is an old friend from m-middle school and high school." I said trying to keep my stuttering to a minimum. Mikey held out his hand. "It's nice to meet you. Any friend of Maya's is a friend of mine." Mikey said politely and Lucas shook his hand but it ended quick and soon Lucas' focus was on me again.

"Where have you been Maya? I literally can't believe that your here and alive. Oh my god how have you been living? Oh my god I can't wait to tell the others-"

"Your not telling them anything Lucas." I said firmly cutting him off from his little rambling session and the surprise and confusion appeared on his face again. I didn't wanna do this. I didn't wanna see him ever again. It would only complicate things and if we ever met after my little stunt I knew that I would soon have to tell the truth. And he doesn't deserve to know.

"What do you mean? I have to tell them. They miss you Maya. Your mom, Shawn, me, Farkle, Zay, Smackle, Mr. Matthews and Mrs. Matthews, Auggie. And you know Riley misses you with everything in her. Why wouldn't you want to come back?" Lucas asked as he tried to wrap his head around why I would be disagreeing with him.

"Look Lucas, I'm not telling them shit. I'm not going back. And you are not going to tell anyone you saw me. If you care about me you'd listen to me." I said and made sure that my voice emitted nothing but seriousness. Lucas rubbed his face aggravatingly. I then turned to Mikey. "I gotta go I'll text you later." But as I was turning to leave I felt a small hand grab mind softly. I turn back around to be met with hazel eyes looking up at me.

"Are you leaving already Maya?" Angela asked with sadness evident in her voice. I hated seeing her upset but I didn't wanna be here anymore. I should've ran as soon as I knew it was Lucas who I bumped into. I got down on one knee and held out my arms and the little brunette walked into my arms and hugged me tight. I hugged her back with just as much force. "I'll see you around. I'll come by the house on Wednesday. I promise you." I said as I pulled back and held out my pinkie. She wrapped her pinkie around mine and she giggled. Her and Mikey left. I got back up and was about to walk away again, but again something stopped me. It was Lucas this time. But it was more of what he said.

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