Meet And Greet

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I never thought I'd be the one to move so far away from home. Much less the one to move across the country, leaving behind everything but a trace. Leaving family behind was difficult, but when you have a greater reason to run away, it all seems worth it.

I rolled my eyes at the thought and sipped my coffee as I tried to refocus on the book I was holding. I had read the same sentence about five times, and still had no goddamn idea what I had read. I attempted to finish one more chapter, but soon my mind was wandering again, and that was the end of my patience.


The land line phone started ringing and I took it as a sign to leave the book and stretch. I picked up the old yellow phone and tucked it between my ear and shoulder. Music met my ears and I knew who was on the other line.

"Hey Bob. What's cooking?" I asked with a smile, leaning against the counter.

"My liver, Skyler baby. We're drowning. Any chance I could convince you to come in for a couple of hours?" Bob's scruffy voice sounded a tad bit stressed. Bob never stressed, so it must be bad down there. For an old man, he kept it quite together when the bar was busy.

"Bob..." I started. I really didn't wanna be at work on my day off. Plus, it was already six in the afternoon. Usually, the rush starts to slow down after seven.

"Baby, I'll pay you double, and food is on the house. Only for you" he said.

"Food is always on the house, Bob" I laughed.

"Only for you, angel" he said. I thought about it for a minute. It's not like I had anything else to do and I didn't exactly have friends either.

"Okay fine. Just give me fifteen. Don't die on me, Bob" I said smiling before I hung up the phone and ran to the shower


"Oh thank you, Lord" I heard Bob say very loudly, his voice barely making it over the music, when I walked through the doors of Bob's Mill, whose name was as simple as the place itself. But it was my source of income and human contact in the small town of Maryville, Tennessee.

"I would like your killer mac and cheese tonight, Bob" I said laughing as I passed Bob and went straight behind the bar, already getting ready to start mixing some cocktails

"Coming right up!" Bob said before disappearing down the hall that led to the kitchen. He wasn't lying when he said they were drowning. There were multiple tickets scattered, and not enough staff to keep the drinks going out.

Well, shit.

I pulled my long dark hair up in a messy bun and got to work.

It took me an hour and a half to get the bar back to its normal speed. By the time the last beer ticket left my hands, I was ready to crash. I was debating on asking Bob if he needed me anymore when someone knocked loudly on the bar counter, trying to call my attention, like an idiot.

The first thing I noticed was his bright green eyes. The second was the fact that he was wearing a black leather jacket in an eighty-degree weather. Obviously, he's from out of town, but nobody was stupid enough to wear that kind of walking sauna. He had dark hair, trimmed close to his head and a short faux hawk that made me wonder what it would be like to pull while I had him in between my legs...

Okay, Skyler, obviously you haven't gotten any in months...

"What does a man have to do to get a drink around here?" he asked, clearly annoyed that I hadn't paid him any attention in the last three seconds he had been in this bar. And of course, he had to be a dick about it. I tried my best not to roll my eyes, so I just crossed my arms and kind leaned against the counter, putting space between us.

"Be courteous, and wait your turn, maybe?" I said. He raised an eyebrow, but pulled a twenty and slid it my way, ignoring me.

What an asshole.

"What's it gonna be?" I asked.

"Jack and coke" he grumbled as he pulled his phone from his pocket and getting distracted with it.

"Coming right up" I tried to be cheerful, but even the stupidest person would've known I was being sarcastic.

A minute later I was handing him his drink and his change, so ready to bolt. Before I turned around, I heard him talk again.

"Give me your best whiskey" he said as he tossed another twenty. Dude, seriously?

Swallowing a bad, bad word, I smiled tightly, took his twenty and poured him some spirits. I wasn't done retrieving his change when he pushed his glass back to me, already empty. I looked at him.

"Would you like the whole bottle?" I asked with raised eyebrow. This dude was seriously trying to get shitfaced or something.

"Anything to keep your sweet behind coming back to me" he said without smiling. I frowned. Was that meant to be flirty in some type of way?

"Keep your hands to yourself and I may not get you kicked out" I said as I poured him another glass.

"You do know you have half the bar gawking at you, right?" he grumbled. I looked around and caught a couple of nervous eyes that instantly turned away the second our eyes met. I looked back at the guy, and he was already staring at me with a triumphant expression.

"They can look all they want. Doesn't meant anything. And, so the hell what?" I said as I grabbed a dirty glass and tried to polish it with a rag. The guy gave a humorless chuckle.

"Tell me something, how is a girl like you in a town like this? You don't look like you're from here" He said while admiring his glass. I snorted.

"A girl like me? What is that supposed to mean?" I asked with narrowed eyes. He motioned to my body with his glass

"You don't see girls like you around here. That tan? Definitely not from working at the farm. Looks like a typical California beach day tan. Are you naturally that tan?" He asked with complete curiosity. Dude, would you stop saying the word 'tan' already...

"Who the hell are you? The goddamn inspector gadget or some shit?" This dude seriously thought he was so smart, eh?

"You never answered my original question. Are you from around here?" He asked, still staring at me with those big green eyes. I scoffed, ready to swing a glass at his head.

"Oh, so I don't look like I'm from here? Says the guy with the leather jacket in a hot ass weather, drinking at a bar that he's never been to, talking to the bartender that holds a job in this town" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Your point?" he asked with his flashing green eyes on me.

"None of your goddamn business" I answered and continued to polish the permanently stained glass.

"Wow, you talk to customers with that mouth?" he asked with a small smile before taking a swig of whiskey.

"You answer to sergeant with yours?" I asked already irritated. He frowned and put his glass down

"How the f-" he started

"Your dog tag is hanging out" I motioned to his shirt. Now who was the smarty pants. He looked down at himself for a minute, then looked up slowly and stopped talking as he tucked his dog tag under his shirt

"No more questions then?" I asked humorlessly.


"Guess not. I have one of mine then, what's your name anyways?" I asked innocently, but of course he had to be a dick about it. Again.

"None of your goddamn business" he said before taking the last swig from his whiskey and walking out the door.

What a goddamn weirdo...

I waved my fingers 'goodbye' in the air

"M'kay, then. Asshole..." I murmured.

Hello guys! Thank you for stopping by and reading the first chapter! follow/ comment/ vote this story and if you wanna follow me thats okay too! Im a social butterfly!


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