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I saw red. I jumped from the chair for the third time, but this time I swiped my hand over the desk and sent the file flying to the wall.

"I am not working with you" I said, my blue eyes meeting his bright green ones. Mathews whistled

"Listen honey cakes, this is not up for discussion. This is Agent Dawson chance to prove he deserves to be in the FBI, and so far, he's been doing a fantastic job"

"Yeah, by lying to me, getting in my house, and fucking me. Yes, I bet you're pretty proud of your boy over here" I said through clenched teeth. I heard Hunter inhale when I mention the part of us having sex, but he didn't deny it. Good. Mathews looked down at Hunter, seems like this is the first time he's heard of that small ordeal.

"We'll discuss that later, but from what I can grasp, we won't need another one of those kits, right?" he asked and my stomach dropped. How could he be so cruel?

Hunter stood up from his chair

"Mathews, that is incredibly disrespectful. I would appreciate if we limit the comments to strictly professional" he said. My eyes went from one man to another.

"Can't speak of professionalism, when you haven't been professional since the beginning from what i'm hearing" Mathews murmured with a smile. Hunter didn't say anything but I saw his fist clench.

"I don't care what you both do, as long as the job gets done. You want to have sex? Not my problem, but don't leave a proof behind. They tend to stick around for at least eighteen years" the douche bag said.

"Agent Mathews that's-" Hunter started

"Work it out! And don't screw it up. I need you there within forty-eight hours" Mathews said and walked out of the room.

"Need us where in forty-eight hours?" I asked, my arms crossed.

"In New York" Hunter finished and pulled me up by the arm. I snatched it back forcefully

"Don't fuckin' touch me" but walked to the door when he opened it.

We walked down the hallway, passing multiple questioning rooms until we hit the back door. I was barely wearing a long black shirt that said FBI and some grey workout shorts, and I didn't even want to know how I got these on. When he opened the door, it was still early morning, so the breeze was cold and instantly raised goosebumps.

"Come" Hunter called and walked me to a black GMC SUV. He opened the door and I jumped in, and Hunter followed me. There was a man already in the driver seat, black suit on.

Why is everybody wearing a stupid black suit but Hunter wasn't?

"Let's go" Hunter said and the driver just about peeled from the parking lot. The drive wasn't long, about twenty minutes or so, but it seemed like a decade when someone finally said something.

"I'm sorry about all of this" Hunter said in a whisper, close to my ear. I looked away.

"Fuck you" I murmured and I heard Hunter sigh. The SUV stopped and when I hopped out the car, ignoring Hunter's outstretched hand, I saw there was a private jet. I looked at Hunter quickly, but he was already walking towards the jet. I followed him quickly

"Agent" the guard at the top of the stairs greeted Hunter. I looked around once I was inside. There were only about eight seats, and Hunter had already taken one in the back. Murmuring to myself, I followed but sat on the other side, as far away as possible but close enough to keep an eye on him as he was the only one I knew.

We took off about fifteen minutes later. Hunter ordered one of the flight attendants to bring me a blanket, food and beverages. I murmured my thanks but other than that, I stayed silent. Two hours later we were landing at a private airport. I wasn't given time to breathe the new air when I was already being rushed out of the jet by Hunter. We climbed inside another black SUV and there was more silence. Twenty minutes later we were dropped off at a hotel that by the looks of it had to cost a couple of hundreds a night.

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