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Please dont be a Ghost reader, i like active readers that comment and vote, and im sure im doing pretty well uploading a chapter every other day if not every afternoon. Enjoy this chapter BEWARE, THERES ACTION AND SUSPENSE <3

Hunter POV

The two seconds I took to process what Mathews had said was enough for the agents to twist me around and pull my hands behind my back, ready to handcuff me. I studied my surroundings, trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do. Only three agents up here, but everybody else was downstairs. I had no guns, and aside from my hands, I couldn't defend myself any other way. Skyler was not dead.

And I was going to go get her.

I let the two agents drag me away as the third one lead the way. Let them believe I was cooperating. I knew right handed agents had to keep their guns at their right at all time for easy access. I could feel the hard weapon digging on my back as they dragged me to the stairs.

It was now or never.

I threw my head back and cracked the agents nose, earning a loud cuss. In that split second, I caught the second agent off guard when I threw a punch at his jaw as hard as I could, throwing him off me. Two down, one to go.

The third agent ran my way, but I didn't give him time to think. I raised my hands, and a fist flew. He dodged it easily and threw a punch of his own. Dodged by a hair. With the same speed I dug my hand in his right side and retracted the gun secured there and instantly pointed it at the agent. He froze with hands up in the air.

"Don't shoot" he murmured.

But I heard a click behind me and I reacted. I twisted around, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet went straight to one of the agents that had pulled his gun. I shot him in the arm, and the gun fell from his hand.

"You're so dead!" the third agent said and I heard him stand up, so I twisted around and shot him in the leg. A scream broke out and he collapsed, holding his knee.

"Sorry mate" I said and slowly turned towards the door that kept my woman hostage.

Skyler POV

Gun shot, outside of the studio.


My heart jumped and I ran to the door, just to be stopped by the two bodyguards.

"Please! Hunter!" I screamed at the top of my lungs but one of them grabbed me by the arm forcefully and dragged me towards Dmitry, my legs not responding correctly. I pushed away, hitting the guard in the face, and when I twisted to try going to the door again, he just about grabbed me around the waist painfully, bile rising up faster than I could count.

"No! Stop!" I kept screaming and kicking, but this man seemed to be made out of steel. He wouldn't let go.

"Sit down. Now" Dmitry said and I was dropped in the leather couch like a sack of potatoes. I tried to stand up but in that second, Dmitry pulled the gun and pointed at me. My mouth went dry and I tried to remember how to breathe.

"Move, and I'll blow your brains out" Dmitry said in a low voice. My eyes stayed on his. I couldn't show fear.

Dmitry turned around and I looked away, swallowing hard. I couldn't believe this shit was happening. Hunter could be dead by now and I'm sitting ducks. My eyes met the tall, lit up buildings of New York City. It was a beautiful sight. I wish I would've had enough time to enjoy it.

I tried to control my breathing and I placed my hand on my stomach.

I wish I could've met you...

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