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I had fallen asleep in Hunters arms after our conversation. He had been pretty content to just had me laying there, as if he didn't want to lose sight of me. When I opened my eyes, he was still holding me, but he had fallen asleep. I admired how calmly he was handling all of this. The FBI, my gang affiliation, and now the baby on the way that, by the way, we had to keep a secret from the rest of the team, specially Mathews.

For a guy, he had one thick full pair of lashes I was starting to get jealous of, and I would never get tired of those strong arms that had a tendency of trying to protect me and not letting go. From all the men ive had in my life, none could compare to Hunter. His positive mindset, the fact that he didn't give up when we first met, and now...knowing he, in fact, wants this baby gives me a peace of mind. If I had to take care of this baby alone I would...but thinking of what I said earlier made me sick to my stomach. I wish I could take it back. Of course, I wanted this baby, I wouldn't be able to get rid of it. All I've known in the past two years has been destruction, death, and pain. Hunter and this child were the only good things in my life right now, complications and all.

Something broke downstairs, glass, and I jumped. Hunter's arms tightened around me, his eyes flying open.

"What happened?" he asked quickly, his eyes skimming down my body. Was he making sure I wasn't hurt?

"Someone broke something downstairs" I murmured. Hunter opened his mouth but a yell cut him off

"Agent Dawson, report immediately!"

It was Mathews.

I groaned, and Hunter jumped from the bed and I followed him.

"Stay here" he said, his hand going to my stomach

"Oh stop it" I said, slapping his hand away. He growled (really?) but let me follow him. When we came downstairs we found agents with their faces in computers but Mathews face was red, fuming even. He was holding a file in his hand, and the second his eyes met Hunter's he slapped the file on the table.

"Can you explain what the fuck is this?" he asked and I frowned. Hunter grabbed the folder and read it. Slowly his eyes changed to realization.

"What is it?" I asked and Mathews furious eyes met mine.

"What this mean is you're useless to us now" Mathews spat. Hunter's eyes darkened and he stepped in front of me

"You're crossing the line. You know this doesn't mean the mission is over" Hunter murmured slowly, as I if he was trying to hold back what he really wanted to say. I'm pretty sure it wasn't anything nice either.

"Oh yeah? Then tell me, genius, how are we going to fix this?" Mathews asked and Hunter tilted his head. Oh, hes so going to punch him.

"Let's start with looking at the facts before we go running around like headless chickens, shall we?" Hunter said and I bit my bottom lip. Nice one.

"What's the problem though?" I asked. Hunter walked to one of the computers and started opening files. I followed him and picked up the file Mathews had thrown. My eyes met dark ones and I realized I was staring at Dmitry Nikolai. I had seen him in pictures before but never dealt with him directly. Dark hair, dark eyes, tanned skin,strong jaw. Looked like a perfect gentleman.

"We got reporting that some of Nikolai's men were killed a couple of nights ago while they were moving some cargo. Let's say that Nikolai is not in a pleasant mood, and although he still hasn't retracted his RSVP from the gala, he may have a bit more information than we need him to" Mathews murmured.

"Like what?" I asked.

"The people that killed Dmitry's men are from Jesse Martin's gang. Well..." he stopped "...we have word that the gang is now led by some guy named Alden Miller" Hunter said in a low tone, his eyes glued to the screen. My heart stopped.

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