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"Baby, just finish eating, please" Hunter was telling me, and I groaned out loud, but I was grateful when he picked up the newborn baby from me and sat across from me again, his eyes down looking at his daughter. We were at a food establishment, trying to finish eating so we could be on our way.

"You know, I am sure you cant feed her the way I can" I pointed out with a smile, popping a fry in my mouth. Hunter gave me a funny look.

"Ha ha, very funny. I think she likes me more than you though" he said jokingly, and I raised my eyebrows

"Again, review my last statements" I said chuckling. Hunter was using his fingertip to caress Emma's cheek as the baby slept in his arms.

"Of course, she likes you more. She's a daddy's girl. How cliché" I murmured, and Hunter laughed.

"We already discussed this. You feed her, but I'll do the rest" he said, hugging the little baby to him.

"Said no man ever" I said laughing.

Twenty minutes later we were done and already back in the car, driving towards our destination. Emma was crying her lungs out and I was in the back seat, trying to calm her down

"I told you she liked me more" Hunter said from the driver's side and I gave him the finger

"Not helping, you dick head" I said exasperated. That's it, the seat must be uncomfortable. The seat is going.

"I'm taking her out" I murmured while I disconnected the belts off her car seat

"I don't think the law will agree that's the best thing" Hunter said, his eyes on the road

"Fuck the law" I responded, and he chuckled. The second I took her out and put her in my arms, she calmed down. So I just latched her on and leaned back, closing my eyes.

"Okay, we're fine on this side of town" I murmured. The closer we got, the more nervous I got. I was so stressed I was starting to get a kink on my neck.

"I can feel you thinking. Maybe even smell a bit of a smoke" Hunter said, and I chuckled out loud

"I shouldn't be nervous, but I am" I said in all seriousness.

"It's normal. It's okay, I'll be with you the whole time" he said, and I nodded

"Good...good" I whispered nervously.

"I was thinking, I want a wedding in the country. Like with trees, and flowers, and maybe even some horses" I said.

"You want horses" Hunter repeated

"It's not like we don't have the space" I pointed out.

"We should have a chocolate fountain" he said

"And a full open bar" I said and Hunter groaned while laughing

"There goes my salary" he said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I just had a baby make her way down and out of my body because you forgot you wrap it before you tapped it. So yes, there goes your salary, my love" I said grinning and he turned his head half way to give me a smile before turning his head back around towards the road

"She's a cute baby though. Looks like me" he said

"She's pretty cute" I said, looking down at my daughter, completely asleep by now while she was nursing. I used my finger to caress the fine and tiny hairs on her eyebrows, and I guess it tickled her cause she gave me a sleepy smile in return that had me smiling instantly.

"Thank you" I said out loud before I looked at the back of Hunter's head.

"For what, baby?" he asked. I looked down at her again.

"For giving me her. And for this. I wouldn't be able to do this alone. So thank you for coming" I said in all seriousness. Hunter nodded once

"I love you, baby. Don't forget that" he said, and I smiled to myself

"I love you too"

After giving directions to Hunter, we finally got to our destination. My heart was in my throat and I was trying to keep my shit together. Hunter parked and came around to help me out of the car. Before I started walking, he stopped me. He cupped my cheek and gave me a chaste kiss, his hand pushing a hair strand behind my ear.

"You got this" he whispered, and I nodded. Then we walked towards the entrance, Emma in my arm and Hunter holding my free hand. In front of the door I hesitated, debating if I should turn around and run back to the car.

Hunter didn't even let me think about it as he raised his hand and knocked loudly.

I cussed under my breath, and looked down at my baby quickly, then back to Hunter. It was now or never. I heard a faint yell from the inside, signaling someone was coming.

The past year hit me in an instant. Remembering everything I've been through, and how I resurfaced through this experience had been life changing. Now here I was, with my fiancé and baby, side by side, and I knew I was home. I was finally home. And home wasn't determined by the place I was, but by the people I was with. It didn't matter where we were, if I had them both, I was okay. I could finally say I okay.

The second I heard the steps, my heart raced, and Hunter squeezed my hand.

The door flew opened, widened blue eyes met mine and I said the words I thought I'd never say again.

"Hi mom"

Well guys, with heart in hand, i'm calling it...


SO BITTERSWEET! I hope y'all enjoyed my novel, please dont forget to cast your votes and comments.

If you like my writing, i would appreciate if yall check the next novel on my profile :)

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