Breathe Into Me

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I heard Alden say somewhere in the background, but my eyes were still on Hunter's, and I felt as if I was underwater. His voice came out gurgled, echo suddenly taking over. My vision blurred as I watched the two guys push Hunter into a wooden chair across the room, having him facing me. His jaw was clenched, but his eyes inspected every surface of my skin. I saw his lips move, but I couldn't hear anything. I was permanently isolated in my own bubble, no sound came in, no sound went out.

I saw Hunter start yelling at Alden, pointing at me, then his beautiful face turn in my direction again, his face crumbling slowly.

"Skyler, baby, answer me" Hunter's voice broke through the silence of my mind. I blinked a couple of times and my eyes finally focused.

"Hunter..." I breathed the words out. No, no...Hunter was here, and he was in danger. Why! He needed to stay out, I was going to deal with this alone. Alden meant business, but I could've made a deal that didn't involve Hunter.

But he showed up here, and now both of us are hostages.

"Listen to me, Skyler. We're getting out of here, I promise you that" Hunter said, his eyes holding mine even when tears kept blurring my vision and the cry threatened to bubble up.

"They're going to kill us" I whispered, and Hunter shook his head slowly.

" have to trust me" he whispered, and I shut my eyes, and a wave of pain hit me. I had almost forgotten about the torn calf.

"I got approval to let the cargo through. What else did you want?" Hunter asked Alden through clenched jaw, his eyes on mine. Alden tsk-ed Hunter, a small smile forming on his lips.

"You say it as if I'm going to believe you, just like that" he said, chuckling. He nodded to his men, and I saw them come towards us, both of them standing next Hunter, guarding them.

"Let me talk to her. Alone" Hunter said, and Alden tilted his head a bit, the smile never leaving his lips.

"You're in front of her. There's nothing you can say that I wouldn't want to hear. So go ahead. Speak" he said the word 'speak' slowly as if he was talking to a kid.

"I know who you are. I read your file" Hunter said to Alden in a low tone.

"Yeah? Then I want to know what kind of interesting information the FBI has of me" Alden said, dragging another chair, and sitting next to us, his eyes going from one person to the other. And he was carrying that gun.

Hunter decided to get comfortable, sitting back, his hands on his thighs, eyes on Alden now, showing him he wasn't afraid.

"Alden Miller. Twenty-six. From what I could understand, you killed your father when you were sixteen, huh. Must've been one hell of a childhood" Hunter said, and I saw Alden's eye twitch a bit, his smile falling. He killed his dad? How the hell I didn't know this.

"That's still irrelevant" Alden said and Hunter chuckled a bit.

"Actually, this is where it all starts, Mr. Miller" Hunter said in a mocking voice and I had to take a breath. This is going to get bad, and quick.

"Well, please enlighten me" Alden said, clicking his gun, the sound echoing.

"You killed your father because he abused your mother, isn't that right?" Hunter asked slowly and Alden's eye twitched again.

"Hunter, please" I murmured. They both ignored my existence as they kept having a staring competition. I was well aware of the man standing next to me, but I wondered how fast would he be if I were to throw myself at Alden in order for Hunter to grab the gun from him.

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