Only Hope

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"Mr Braxton, my name is Skyler Blake. I was working with agent Hunter Dawson" I said with shaky voice.

"Who?" he asked and I clenched my jaw.

"You guys sent him to Tennessee for a special operation regarding Dmitry Nikolai" I said and Andrew stayed silent.

"So you're the woman that killed the Russian mob lord, eh" he said and I could hear the smile in his voice. I frowned. Not by one shot, dude...

"Actually-" but I was cut off

"How can I help you?" he asked quickly am I could hear papers being ruffled in the background.

If you cut me off one more time, you son of a bitch...

"Put your dog on a leash. Agent Mathews. He was dealing in a corrupt business, and you need to help us" I said in a rush, then realized I was loud enough for someone to hear me down the hallway. Andrew went silent.

"What do you mean exactly? And be very careful what you say next" he said slowly. I breathed in slowly, invoking the patience I didn't have.

"Mathews may have not told his superiors of what he was really doing. At least not the part where he traded me into some kind of human trafficking transaction" I said in a whisper, my eyes scanning the hallway, fearing the guards.

"What is the meaning of this, Miss Blake" he asked.

"I don't have much time, but Hunter is being arrested for insubordination for trying to save me from the Russian mob after Mathews traded my life to them. He paid them as well." I added, hoping to give him something to shake his confidence and do something about it. Andrew cleared his throat.

"I am very...surprised Mathews would do something like this, Miss Blake. I do promise to look into this, but for now-"

"No! You have to do something about it now, or im going to get arrested together with Hunter. We were lied to. Mathews paid the Russian mob for me. It's all in tape! We had mics and cameras on us the whole time!" I whispered quickly. Fuck, fuck!

Andrews stayed silent for a moment.

"Miss Blake, I assure you-" he started but I wouldn't do it

"Please, I'm begging you" I said. Then I added

"I'm pregnant, and he sent me in like that" I dint want to play the pregnant card, but I was going to do whatever was necessary to get us out of this.

"Hunter was shot trying to help me, and Mathews wants to arrest him like that. They wont let me see him. Please you have to do something about it" I begged. More silence. Every second was torture and at some point I thought he had hung up on me.

"Listen to me very carefully, Miss Blake. What you're suggesting is a very big offense for a special op's agent. But if what you're saying is true, I will look into it. Give me twenty four hours, I will take action-" he was saying, but then there was a blaring alarm go off, and lights started to go on and off. It was an emergency alarm

Code Black, Code black, staff please report...

Realization hit me and I knew they had found out I wasn't in the room.

"They're looking for me. I have to go. Please! our lives depend on you. Come help us" I said one last time and I dropped the phone from my hands and sprinted down the hallway. They were looking for me and I needed to hide. I could not go back, not now at least.

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