Knocking on Heaven's Doors

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Hey guys! This is PART 1 of a double update! i hope yall like it! DONT BE A GHOST READER, VOTE/COMMENT! HAPPY READING

-Song that inspired this chapter is same name as the title for this chapter sung by RAIGN


I was in a daze as Hunter and I were carted out of the parking garage. Police and ambulance sirens echoed down the street, and I was instantly wrapped in cables and put an oxygen mask on my face.

But I kept turning around in the stretcher, trying to keep Hunter in my line of sight, while the paramedics working on me tried to straighten me up and finished checking my vitals. I had tried to keep it together while waiting on the paramedics to arrive, but I could not get the memory of Hunter's cold hands in mine as the EMTs tore him away from me, my screams filling up the garage.

Then they had put him in an ambulance and he was gone.

"No, stop..." I groaned, trying to take off my oxygen mask, the situations completely irritating me. It was tight, the air it tasted like copper, and whoever was driving the ambulance I was in kept taking sharp turns, the siren deafening. One of the paramedics took the mask away from my hands and tried to push me back down on the bed. I wasn't having it.

"Ma'am, please let us do our job" he was saying as he pushed me down once more.

"I am fine. Please, how is the other person you guys took?" I asked in a daze, my sight completely blurry

"I'm sorry but we do not know" he said as he checked my vitals once more.

"Please, try to find out, I need to..." I murmured, but my body wasn't responding correctly when I tried to sit up once more, and a sharp cramp too ahold of my body, getting a groan from me. I looked over my body and I realized I had blood all over my legs. I stopped breathing. The paramedic looked me in the eye and pushed me down in the bed, and I didn't fight this time.

"I'm pregnant" I said breathless and the paramedic froze for a split second.

I don't remember what happened after that.

The next time I woke up, I was in a white room. Alone. I was hooked to machines, the fast beeping of a heartbeat meeting my ears. I frowned slightly at the plastic cable that was currently hooked around my ears and was giving me oxygen, and tried to stretch my stiff and achy muscles. I looked down at my hands and swallowed hard. Past the IV cables attached to my arm, I was able to see the dark purple bruises that covered my arms and wrists. I set my head back on the pillow, sighing loudly.

Is my baby okay?

Where is Hunter?

The door opened and a nurse walked in. She gave me a small smile, and turned right around and walked out

Well that was odd.

A minute later Mathews walked in and my stomach dropped.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a murmur. Mathews tilted his head and crossed his arms

"Doing my job. What the fuck did you and that stupid Dawson do?" he asked, his voice furious. I narrowed my eyes

"Hunter saved my life after you set me up, you piece of shit" I said, my eyes zeroed on his.

"I did what I had to. It was either you or the thousand people in that building" he said and I tried to control my breathing.

"You sent me there to die. I put my life on the line to help you, and you had a complete twisted plan in mind!" I screamed, and the machine to my left started beeping erratically, signaling the high blood pressure and the racing heart.

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