One - "You s-s-suck Bowers!"

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As Mia made her way to the front of her school, she found herself bumping into freshman after freshman, trying to keep them out of her way

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As Mia made her way to the front of her school, she found herself bumping into freshman after freshman, trying to keep them out of her way. She was the younger sister of the school's most malicious bully, Henry Bowers, and this struck fear into the eyes of every student at her school.

Not only was her brother notoriously known for hurting people, so was Mia. Mia was known as Henry's instigator, the brains of the group. She's always found a certain joy in causing pain to others, and no one truly understood why.

For in the Bowers's home, horror had unfolded throughout both sibling's childhoods that led them down a path of destruction. No one believed that Henry could ever turn himself around, and worse was said for Mia's future. Until a certain group of losers would change everything.

Reaching the front steps, Mia spotted her older brother standing out near the street, taunting a younger boy. It was Bill Denbrough, the stutterer. Everyone knew about Bill, he was sort of famous in school.

He wasn't famous for doing anything spectacular, or doing anything at all. He was famous because of his little brother, Georgie. Georgie was the first of the ever-growing list of missing kids in Derry . While many believed him to be dead, Bill was always talking about where his little brother could be, never giving up hope. Mia admired his faith, but she would never admit it.

The Bowers girl ran towards her brother, wanting to stop him from hurting Bill. She'd never stood up to her brother before, but she wasn't about to let a poor kid with a missing brother get his ass kicked for no reason.

"You sss-ssssuck Bowers!" Bill stuttered, earning Henry's full attention and anger

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"You sss-ssssuck Bowers!" Bill stuttered, earning Henry's full attention and anger.

"You s-s-say something, B-B-B-Billy?" Henry asked, walking up towards Bill. "You got a free ride this year 'cause of your brother. But now that's over. Got it?" Henry growled in the skinny kid's face.

Mia reached her brother and shoved him back, standing in front of Bill and his gang of three losers.

"Henry, we said we'd leave them alone," she crossed her arms over her chest, standing her ground in front of her brother. Even though she was at least a foot shorter than him, she was dangerous, and would scare her brother into compliance frequently.

"That shit talked back to me." Henry spat at Bill, his spit landing on the Denbrough boy's shoe.

"Fuck off, Henry! His little brother is missing, give it a rest." She shoved her brother back, nearly knocking him off a curb. Patrick Hockstetter, Henry's best friend, caught Henry and helped him balance. Henry's other goons, Victor Criss and Belch Huggins, watched in fear. Patrick smirked at Mia.

Patrick and Mia always had a flirtatious relationship, much to Henry's dismay. The two of them tried to keep it low key, hanging out when Henry was busy with other things. Mia never had any feelings for the boy, he was simply a way for her to escape. He never told her about how he felt.

"Mia, what the fuck?" Henry growled at his little sister.

"What if it was me? What if I was missing? Would you be able to take any extra shit from anyone?" She questioned her brother. The two of them always had each other's backs, and cared about each other a lot. Their parents never loved them the way they loved each other.

"Whatever." Henry coughed. The bully turned on his heels and walked towards his friend's parked car. The group of them climbed into the small vehicle and drove off.

"Th-thanks." Bill Denbrough finally spoke up, this being his first time ever speaking to Mia. Mia huffed in response.

She shrugged her shoulders and shoved her hands in her pockets. "You're lucky your brother is missing, or I would've joined in the fun my brother was having."

"Are you bipolar?" A smaller kid, with glasses far too big for his face, stood in front of Mia and uttered.

"Richie, shut up" Another kid, slightly taller, with long ramen noodle hair chimed in. Mia met his gaze and a smile briefly crossed her face. The boy was confused as first, then found himself smiling too. The two of them never knew what this exchange would mean.

"You're welcome." Mia simply huffed. She began to walk away, then found herself turning back around. She walked right up to Eddie Kaspbrak, a boy she'd known since elementary school. Eddie was always quiet, and the two of them had never really spoken to each other. She knew about his psycho mother, and his drug collection. She also knew that it was impossible for Eddie to be constantly sick. She'd always found Eddie endearing, all though she never really knew why. He was just different.

She held out her hand and licked up from her wrist to her fingers, then patted him on the cheek. Then she walked away.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Eddie screamed, and fumbled around with his fanny pack. He lifted his shirt to wipe his face and puffed his inhaler. "Am I going to get herpes?" He screamed after her.

Mia giggled to herself in response. "Probably!" She yelled back, not turning around.

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