Thirty- "You got a quarter?"

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Stanley couldn't bring himself to step foot in the Neibolt house. All he could think was that this was going to be the end of him. This clown would be the death of him one day. Stan's breathing was shallow and quick.

"Stan?" Ben asked, noticing that the Uris boy had yet to step through the doors. 

Mia spun on her heels and finally made eye contact with Stanley

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Mia spun on her heels and finally made eye contact with Stanley. She quickly diverted her eyes.

"Stan, we all have to go. B-B-Beverly was right." Bill stuttered.

Stanley stared at Mia, tears welling in his eyes. If he was going to die, he couldn't do it while she was mad at him. He lifted a hand up to his hair and nervously ran his fingers through it.

"If we split up like last time, that clown will kill us one by one. But if we stick together... All of us... We'll win." Bill concluded.

Stan stood frozen in place as Mia Bowers began to step forward. 

"I promise." Bill nodded his head, hoping he could convince his friend to be brave.

Mia walked up to Stanley and sighed. She didn't know what to say, or how to say it. Her mouth was slightly agape, trying to form words that her brain hadn't yet. 

Her eyes moved to Stanley's shaking hands and she reached out, lacing her fingers with his

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Her eyes moved to Stanley's shaking hands and she reached out, lacing her fingers with his. The two of them squeezed each other's palms and Stanley couldn't help but smile.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered as he stepped into the house.

"I know," Mia replied, dragging him back towards the Losers club. "I am, too."

"Gross! Get a room!" Richie exclaimed.

"Shut up, Richie!" Stan and Mia both said in unison, causing them both to smile. Mia leaned into Stanley slightly and their arms brushed. 

Stanley felt an overwhelming sense of happiness in that moment. 

He felt like he didn't need to be scared anymore.

Bill smirked at Mia who couldn't help but blush. She was happy, too.

Bill Denbrough led the Losers club down to the basement of the Neibolt house. In the center of the unfinished room was a deep well, where Bill had once seen the clown recede into. 

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