Twenty-Nine- "They're gazebos!"

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Bill Denbrough waited patiently in the Derry town park for Beverly Marsh to arrive. The two of them had planned to hang out, to perhaps discuss how they would rekindle the friendships of the Loser's club. Once he'd waited for half an hour, Bill grew worrisome. 

He rode towards Beverly's house.

Approaching the front door, he found the lock had been forced open and parts of the wood had been splintered. Bill immediately pushed past the half-opened door and into the house, looking for any sign of Bev.

He found the living room empty, with a table knocked over from when Beverly and her father had fought. The Denbrough boy's heart raced.

"Beverly?" He called out, hoping to receive an answer.

He made his way towards Beverly's room and stopped only when the Marsh's bathroom came into view. Bill stopped in his tracks, hardly able to move a muscle in his body. There, bleeding out on the tile floor, was Beverly's father. 

Bill ran to Bev's room, hoping to find her alive and well, and was greeted by a terrible and murderous taunt written on the wall. Written in blood across Beverly's ceiling and walls was the phrase 'You die if you try'.

Bill began to hyperventilate, nearly crying right then and there. The clown had abducted Beverly. He needed to save her, he needed to end this once and for all.

"Beverly!" He screamed as he ran out of the Marsh house and to his bike out front. Bill rode his bike as fast as he could, nearly bailing twice, straight to the Derry town center.

The Denbrough boy stopped out front of the Derry arcade, where he knew Richie Tozier would be spending his afternoon. He dropped his bike and swung the doors open, finding Richie playing a Capcom game of Streetfighter.

"Richie!" Bill yelled as he ran towards the shorter boy.

"What do you want?" Richie scoffed, keeping his attention fixated on his game. "See that guy I'm hitting? I'm pretending it's you."

"I-I-IT got Beverly." Bill stuttered, still trying to catch his breath from all of his running and biking.

"What are you talking about?"

"IT, Richie!" Bill exclaimed, "IT got Beverly."

Richie took his hands off of the joysticks and thought for a moment. He turned towards his old friend and sighed.

Eddie Kaspbrak and Mia Bowers were sat at Eddie's kitchen table. It was a miracle that Mrs. Kaspbrak let Mia come in, but she was cunning and very persuasive. The two of them were eating bowls of cereal and drinking orange juice.

In other words, she put the charm on and made Mrs. Kaspbrak feel pretty for once.

 Kaspbrak feel pretty for once

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"There, I think this fixes it." Mia smiled, putting the cap back on the red sharpie she'd been using. Mia had drawn a V over the S in the word Loser on Eddie's cast. 

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