Seven- "Suck the wound! Get in there!"

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Beverly Marsh stood over Mia with her arms crossed over her chest. The two girls had a long and complicated history. Beverly Marsh angrily glared at Mia Bowers, the girl she'd been victim to for many years.

"You did this, didn't you?" Beverly finally spoke .

"No... I didn't..." Mia quietly muttered, causing Beverly to scoff. Of course she didn't believe her.

"Ben, are you okay? That looks like it hurts." Bev ignored Mia after her short outburst, rolling her eyes at the short brunette.

"No, I'm good. I just fell." Ben smiled up at the boy, his face immediately beaming. Anyone could tell that he was in love with her.

"Yeah, right into Henry Bowers." Richie exclaimed.

"Shut it, R-R-Richie!"

"Why? It's the truth."

"You sure they got "The Right Stuff" to fix you up?" Bev asked the injured boy, winking in the process. The Hanscom boy knew that she was making fun of his love for the New Kids on the Block, and for the first time this day showed off his pearly white smile.

"You know w-w-w-we'll take care of him." Bill stuttered. "Thanks again, Beverly."

"Sure. Maybe I'll see you around?" The red head had a certain hopefulness hidden in her blue eyes as she turned towards Bill Denbrough.

"Yeah, we were maybe thinking about going to the q-q-quarry tomorrow, if you wanna," Bill paused for a moment. Everyone in the group's eyes were bulging from their heads as Bill actually talked to a pretty girl. It wasn't everyday that any of the Losers would talk to anyone of the opposite sex, other than their mothers of course. "Come?"

"Good to know. Thanks." Beverly smiled, then turned her attention to Mia. She glared at the girl who'd bullied her for months, and Mia stared at the ground. The two never made eye contact before Beverly walked off down the alley and out of sight.

"Nice going bringing up Bowers in front of her." Stan quipped at Richie, somehow forgetting that another Bowers was sat just below where he was standing.

"Yeah, did you hear what she did?" Eddie continued the conversation. Somehow, and it may have just been because they'd never spent any time with her, everyone forgot about Mia's presence. They talked about her beloved brother as if she wasn't even there.

"What'd she do?"

"More like who'd she do...From what I hear the list is longer than my wang."

"That's not saying much." Mia commented, finally being recognized by the rest of the group. Everyone immediately realized their ignorance.

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Control // It (2017) // Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now