Six- "Why do you have two fanny packs?"

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As Henry Bowers and his goons searched the woods for Mia and Ben, the two of them found themselves in the midst of their own rescue mission. Bill Denbrough helped a very injured Ben Hanscom onto the back of his bike, making sure he wouldn't fall.

"You doing okay, Ti-" Mia began to ask, realizing she's nearly called him by his brother's nickname, Tits. "Ben?"

"Thanks to you." He smiled at her as Bill began to pedal.

"M-Mia?" A voice uttered from behind her, and spinning on her heels she was met with the face of Stanley Uris. "You can come with me, if you want."

"Thanks." She smiled at the taller boy, and made her way over to his bike. Climbing onto the back, she waited for Stan to do the same. Once he was safely seated, Mia wrapped her arms around the younger boy's waist and held on tightly to him, as he began to pedal.

Mia rested her head on Stanley's shoulder as they soared along the forest trail. The Bowers girl couldn't see Stanley's face, and he was very grateful, because she would've seen his skin glow as red as a strawberry. Stan smiled to himself as Mia held onto him tighter around a sharp turning bend.

Mia's long chestnut hair flew in the wind behind her, dancing in the air around the two young people. It seemed almost surreal for a moment, everything feeling like a slow motion movie reel. They reached the edge of the forest and began pedalling on grass, towards a nearby street.

"I think it's great that we're helping the new kid, but we also have to think of our own safety. I mean, he'd bleeding all over, and you guys know theres an AIDS epidemic happening right now as we speak, right? I mean, my mom's friend in New York City got it by just touching a dirty pole in the subway and she got AIDS blood into her system through a hangnail, through a hangnail!" Eddie Kaspbrak began to think out loud, much to the annoyance of Mia and Stanley, whom Eddie had been talking into the ears of. Stan rolled his eyes at his hypochondriac of a friend.

"And they can amputate legs and arms..." Eddie thought for a moment, "But how do you amputate a waist? How do you amputate a waist?" He repeated himself louder than the first time. "You guys do know that alleys are full of dirty needles that have AIDS, right? You guys do know that." The group stopped in an alley just outside of Keenes's pharmacy.

"Eddie he's going to be fine. Stop scaring him." Mia interjected, trying to get Eddie to stop talking.

"Richie, wait here. Come on!" Bill directed, pointing to Stan and Eddie to follow.

"What about me?" The Bowers girl asked quietly, enough that only Stan and Eddie could hear her.

"You stay here with Richie and Ben. Try to calm him down a bit." Eddie smiled to her, then ran off down the alleyway after Bill. Stan did the same.

"Glad I got to meet you before you died." Richie exclaimed towards the injured boy. Mia couldn't help but laugh. As Ben's face churned into one of fear, Mia sat down beside him and sighed.

"You're not going to die, Ben. I promise."

"Why are you even helping him? Nurse him back to health so you can cut him up yourself?" Richie quipped at Mia, a disgusted expression covering his face.

"She saved me from Henry." Ben defended the small girl. Even with Ben Hanscom bleeding out all over the alley, and probably suffering from a blood loss condition, and even though he wouldn't admit it, Richie knew that Ben was telling the truth.

As the three boys entered the pharmacy, Eddie began to pile up disinfectant, gauze, bandages and other pharmaceutical items in his arms.

"Can we afford all that?" Bill asked.

Stan fumbled with his pockets, pulling out only two dollars. "It's all we got."

"You kidding me?"

"Wait, you have an account here, don't you?" Bill turned to Eddie. The Kaspbrak boy did have an account at the pharmacy, where he filled his prescriptions every week.

"My mom finds out I bought all this stuff for myself, I'll spend the whole rest of the weekend in the emergency room being X-rayed."

'What are we going to do?" Stan asked, running a hand across the back of his neck.

"Maybe ask your psycho girlfriend out there to steal this stuff. She's done it before." Eddie quipped. Stan grew angry with his words, but also blushed in response.

"She's not my girlfriend and she's not psycho." Stan muttered under his breath.

As the three boys searched for less expensive alternatives to their equipment, Beverly Marsh turned the corner of the aisle and stood in front of them. They all stared at each other awkwardly with nothing to say.

"You okay?" Bill finally spoke up in confusion about the whole situation.

"I'm fine, whats wrong with you?" The girl noticed the bandages and ointments the boys were holding in their hands.

"I'm fine, whats wrong with you?" The girl noticed the bandages and ointments the boys were holding in their hands

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"None of your business."

"There's a kid outside looked like someone killed him."

"We need some s-s-s-supplies but," Bill stuttered, "we don't have enough money

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"We need some s-s-s-supplies but," Bill stuttered, "we don't have enough money."

Beverly smiled at the three boys and offered them her help. She walked up to Mr. Keene and played a dirty trick on the perverted old man. She distracted him while the three boys ran outside with all of their new supplies.

"Just suck the wound!" Richie yelled at Eddie, who was trying to play doctor. Mia still hadn't left Ben's side, and he was squeezing her hand to divert his pain.

"I need to focus right now."

"You need to focus?"

"Yeah, can you go get me something?"

"Jesus. Oh, what do you need?" Richie asked.

"Go get my bifocals. I hid them in my second fanny pack."

"Why do you have two fanny packs?" Stan laughed, causing Mia to smile too.

"Look I need to focus right now and it's a long story."

"I don't want to hear it." Mia laughed. Ben winced in pain and gripped Mia's hand tighter. To comfort him, she wrapped her other arm around the poor boy and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry this happened. I'm sorry I had any part in it."

"You're the reason I didn't get his whole name on me. You don't need to apologize."

"Ben from soc?" A voice rang through the alley, and upon turning her head, Mia found Beverly Marsh standing over her.

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