Thirteen- "Come join the clown, Eds."

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A/N Okay i just want to point out that in the movie Eddie has his bike when they leave the quarry to go to Ben's and then walks home without it?? So I'm just gonna say that he must've left it at Ben's for whatever reason?

Once the Losers had sifted through all of Ben's documents, they each headed home in different directions. Eddie and Mia had to walk up Neibolt street, and neither of them liked to do so alone, so they decided to walk home together. Stanley didn't say anything when the two of them walked off down the street, laughing and playfully punching each other in the setting sunlight. Stanley walked home alone.

Eddie Kaspbrak and Mia Bowers walked side by side down Neibolt Street. Together they passed the church, which was in session, where they could hear singing from inside the building. Neither of them had ever been to church, and neither of them had ever been religious, so the whole idea was pretty foreign to them. 

The sun was starting to set, and the air around the two friends was growing colder. Mia held her hands up to her mouth and blew, trying to warm them up. 

Eddie made fun of her by holding his hands up too and whimpering like a baby. She rolled her eyes in response.

As the two of them continued down the desolate street, Eddie began to make owl type noises through his hands, a whistling sound

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As the two of them continued down the desolate street, Eddie began to make owl type noises through his hands, a whistling sound. Mia found it fascinating.

As they passed the house at the end of the street, the two of them both began to shake. It was the infamous house of Derry, the creepiest home in the entire town. It was painted in a jet black colour that had faded from the years of wear and tear on it's walls. The yard was completely dead, covered in empty liquor bottles and long brown grasses. The fence that surrounded the home was destroyed, with hole every few feet around. Thank god for that.

Startling both of them, Eddie's watch began to beep. It was time for the boy to take his medicine.

"What are the meds even for?" Mia asked, staring at Eddie as he began to fumble with his fanny pack.

"My sickness." He simple replied, looking back and forth between his fanny pack and the abandoned house. A creaking sound emitted from the house, which caught the attention of both Mia and Eddie.

A deep growl rang through the air, and the two Losers found themselves frozen in place. Mia couldn't help but think to herself, it's happening again.

"Eddie..." A deep and raspy voice rang through the air. "What are you looking for?"

The Bowers girl and the Kaspbrak boy both made eye contact, both with terrified expressions, and began to walk quickly forward. Eddie fumbled to try and put his meds back into the bottle, but ultimately dropped them all over the ground. 

"Oh fuck, oh shit, my mom's going to kill me." He muttered to himself, leaning down to pick up the pills. Mia quickly began to retrieve the meds as well, hoping that four hands would move faster than two. She wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. She knew what could happen.

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