Twenty- "We're all afraid of something."

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"Thanks guys, but you shouldn't have done that. He's going to be after you guys too, now." Mike warned the group as they made their way out of the wooded area. Just above them, a train rolled by on the tracks, emitting a loud and annoying sound through the air.

"Oh, no, no, no, Bowers? He's always after us." Eddie explained.

"I guess that's one th-th-thing we all have in common." Bill stuttered.

"Partially my fault, to be honest. Sorry guys." Mia chuckled as the group continued ahead.

"Don't worry about it, Mia, you're not helping him now so we can't blame you."

"Well, homeschool, welcome to the Losers club!"

The group continued down the forested path until they reached the Derry town center. In the midst of the summer day, the town of Derry had been celebrating with a town festival for the 4th of July. Kids ran about the streets happily and music rang through the air. A marching band walked through the streets of the town, clad in blue matching uniforms and funny-looking hats. Balloons of red, blue and white hung on every storefront in the town, livening up the atmosphere dramatically.

Richie Tozier, being the annoying twat that everyone knew he was, decided it would be a good idea to steal one of the mellophones from the marching band. He tried his hardest to play the instrument, failing miserably, yet was persistently trying to play it.

The rest of the Loser club, excluding Eddie Kapbrak, stood in front of a brick wall, staring at yet another missing kid poster. The poster read "Missing: Edward Corcoran, 13 years old, last seen July 1st."

"They said they found part of his hand all chewed up near the standpipe," Stanley hesitantly spoke.

"He asked to borrow a pencil once," Ben commented. 

Mia stared at the poster, the poster that was written in the same format as Patrick's, and felt herself grow weary and sad. Mia laid her head on Stanley's shoulder and sighed sadly, crossing her arms over her chest.

Bill approached the poster on the wall and lifted it from underneath, revealing another missing poster, this one for Betty Ripsom.

"It's like she's been f-f-f-forgotten because Corcoran's missing." Bill stuttered, holding the paper up.

"Yeah, and Patrick's poster got taken down," Mia whispered to herself in disbelief.

"Is it ever gonna end?" Stan couldn't help but wonder.

Richie continued to play the mellophone, much to the annoyance of the marching band member. The man yanked the instrument from Richie's hands and walked off.

"What the fuck, dude?" Richie lifted his arms up in the air.

"What are you guys talking about?" Eddie asked as he emerged from around the corner, holding two ice cream cones in his hands.

"What they always talk about." Richie joined in the conversation, stealing an ice cream cone from Eddie's hands.

"I actually think it will end," Ben commented, "for a little while, at least."

"What do you mean?" Beverly spoke.

"So I was going over all my Derry research, and I charted out all the big events. The Ironworks Explosion in 1908, The Bradley Gang in '35, and The Black Spot in '62, and now kids being..." Ben paused and his eye's met Bill's, the boy who'd lost his little brother to whatever was going on. "I realized that this stuff seems to happen-"

Ben, Mia, and Bill all spoke in unison "Every 27 years."

The group stared around at one another, trying their very best to piece together what was happening. No one spoke at all, no one could form a coherent thought on the matter.

Control // It (2017) // Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now