Chapter ONE

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Ever since my father died, life just has never been the same, Ida thought as she looked over at her reflection in the mirror of her small rented trailer house.

It wasn't what she bargained for, or even pictured her life to ever be, working at a diner that paid scraps a forth night that she could barely survive on.

Most days all she wished was that she could just just lay in bed and wallow in the misery of her life, but that could never pay the already arrears bills.

"Better get going", Ida thought.

"You got my money for last moth and this month's rent Miss Benson", Frank called after her.

"You'll get your money Frank", she replied. "Just stop pestering me", she mumbled.

"You better, or you should be looking for shelter elsewhere, I ain't fixin to run no charity here young lady", He warned.


"Pancakes and bacon for table eight", Ida handed over the meal to her co-worker.

"Ida, can I get a poached egg, French toast and bacon on the side, extra crispy", Bonnie ordered.

Bonnie was Idea's bestfriend, from both of the same age of seven. She was also the one who recommended Ida to her boss as one of the cooks at the diner.

Often times Bonnie would offer to help Ida in her financial situations, but she would only shrug off the idea because she didn't want to be of a burden to her friend, although she knew she meant well. Finding her a job was already enough.

"Ida, phone call", Phil shout.
Phil was the owner of Phil's Diner.
He was often difficult to work with when business was trafficking, but being there long enough, everyone knew he had a generous heart.

She took the phone away from him.

"You got a minute", he told her.

"Thanks Phil", she singed.

"Uh, huh", he replied. She smiled.

"Hello", Ida answered.

"Ida Benson?", the caller curiously asked.


"This is Doctor Logan calling from the Philadelphia District Hospital, we have a patient, Mrs Benson, your name was the only one listed as family, the Doctor Explained.

Ida placed a hand on her chest, her heart began to race.

"Mom", she managed to whisper.

"Mrs Benson is currently in the ICU as we speak, I think it is best if you get to the hospital right away", Doctor Logan informed.

"I'm on my way", as Ida turned Phil and Bonnie stood there with concern in their eyes.
   It was obvious they had over heard the conversation.

"Phil I-"

"Just go, take all the time you need".
    By the time those words left his mouth Ida was in tears.

Bonnie consoled her friend that was more like a sister to her in a comforting hug.
  "Girl she'll be alright", Bonnie assured.


"Excuse me, hi, I'm looking for a patient by the name of Mrs Benson", the receptionist looked up from her mobile at Ida with scornful eyes.
Then she went back to typing on the device.

Ida tried to get the woman's attention again, "Hello, I'm looking for-"

"I heard you the first time, your just gonna have to sit and wait, they're other people seated over there, looking for somebody", she sarcastically pointed out.

"Oh, thanks, I'm sorry", Ida turned and walked over to the waiting area.

"Uh-huh", the woman replied.


Ida worriedly sat for over an hour, the patience was eating her alive, all she could think about was her mother.

"Hey, Carla, is anyone here to see a patient by the name of Mrs Benson?", a Doctor came out asking.

The blond receptionist jumped out of her seat, with an act as though she was busier than a afternoon highway.

It wasn't hard to tell she was trying to capture the handsome Doctor's attention.

The woman pointed to where Ida sat.

As directed he made his way over to where the waiting visitor sat.

His heart skip a beat, trying to regain his consciousness after stumbling upon the most breathtaking view that he has ever in his life stumbled upon.

He introduced himself, "Hello I'm Doctor Logan, I believe we spoke over the phone earlier, you're here to see Mrs Benson".

Doctor Logan was a charming man, tall, strapping, sexyand single.

Ida stood. "Yes, I'm her daughter, is my mother alright, can I please see her?", he could see the desperate worry in her eyes.

"Yes of course", he answered leading the way.


Ida felt her whole world crumble before her eyes.
  Looking at her mother's still body shook her like an earthquake, she was in a coma.

She lay beside her. The uncontrollable tears poured out her eyes.
"Come back to me",she whispered.

Doctor Logan was saddened at the woman's breakdown.
He had no choice, it was the worst part of his job, "Ida, your mother has stage four cancer, I'm afraid it has gone too bad that it can't be treated, but there are still treatments she could undergo that could push back her life span and get her through the rest of this year", he explained.

Ida couldn't take it, it was all too much, she had to get out.

Then everything was blank........

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