Chapter SIX

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"Why?", Ida asked, looking at her friend with annoyance.

"Babe I don't know, why don't you go meet him, after all he's asking for you", Bonnie said to her with excitement in her eyes.
"Although his face does look familiar", Bonnie added.

Ida looked over at the man who had his head bent in his cellphone.

"Girl, hot, doesn't even describe that man, I'll like to lick all over him until my tongue dries out", Bonnie dramatized.

Ida rolled her eyes at her, "you make me sick, you know that?", she was about to turn around to leave, when Bonnie pulled her arm.

" Bonnie let me go", she fussed. Ida was pushed out in the hallway of the diner.

The stranger's eyes now met hers.

"I hate you", she mumbled to her friend, but Bonnie wink her eyes at her making a heart shape sign with the palm of her hands.

Ida knew she had no choice, she walked slowly towards the man


She sat on the opposite side of his, bonding her hands together in her lap.

"Hi", she greet.

He sat there, staring at her, how could he hand missed it, he thought.
Her hair was in a controlled updo but at least now he could of seen the true beauty, a natural beauty, something he wasn't accustomed to.

The women he'd often entertained was hidden behind make-up. He'd never paid no mind to them, after all they were just a good time to him.

"Are you just gonna sit there and stare at me?", Ida felt out of place , like was something on her that didn't belonged.
She already knew she looked a complete wreck and reaked of food, but he was making things rather obvious.

She stood to leave.

"I'm sorry , please sit", he managed to say.

She did, not because of what he said but because of the voice that said it. Hearing that deep, masculine sound made the hair on her neck and hand stood up.

That behaviour was so very different from the rest," don't you know who I am?", he asked.

"No, should I?", Ida returned.

"Wow", he saw the truth in her brown, marbled eyes, she was sincere.
"You really are different".

"Because I don't know who you are?",Ida didn't know where the conversation was going.

"Precisely", he directly responded.

"Look, I'm sorry, have we met before?", she felt the need to ask because the man wasn't giving any clues.

"Not directly, but I want to know you", he answered.

"Know me?, look mr-",

"Darrius, Darrius Taylor ", he informed watching as his name had no effect on her.

"Darrius", she continued, " I've got enough on my plate to last me a lifetime, I'm sure you don't want to waste time on someone like me", Ida sadly admit.

"I just told you what I want", Darrius stated.

"I can't I-", Ida thought of her sick mother, she hardly gives anything else any attention anymore.

"You can't or you won't ", he assumed drastically.

This time it was Ida who stared at him, she didn't know how to respond to the man's determination.

Darrius spoke, "if you don't give me watch want, I'll be here, everyday, in this same seat, until you do agree", Darrius stood up and left.

Ida never felt so dumbfounded in her life. Her heart began to race, heat rushed to her face and palms.

Bonnie waited until the man left to rushed to her friend.
She occupied the seat he was in, "well don't just sit there, spill, what did he want".

"To know me", Ida puzzled.

"Oooooh, girl, did you get his name, I bet it's one them sexy name like Ethan or Alejandro", Bonnie excitedly saiď.

"He said his name was Darrius Taylor", Bonnie looked like she saw a ghost.
"Darrius Taylor, as in the Darrius Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, multi-billionaire, sexy, smoking hot bachelor Darrius Taylor", Bonnie emphasized. "Look at your face, don't you know who he is?", she questioned.

"No, what are you talking about,he asked me the same thing, should I?", Ida returned.

Bonnie pulled out her mobile from the back pocket of her long, black, polyester pants. She unlocked the device and went to Google.

"Girl, I swear without me, you're going to grow old and lonely with only cats for company", Bonnie said to her.

"That's not so bad", Ida sarcastically replied.

Bonnie rolled her eyes, she pulled up an autobiography on Darrius, handing the mobile to Ida.

"That's him right there?", she pointed on picture of the man at the top of the written information.

"Ladies I don't pay you to sit", Phil interrupted.


It was only by coincidence that Darrius ended up in Philly.
He had decided to drive alone, on his way to a business meeting when his back, left tyre had been punctured.
Since he wasn't getting Any reception, he decided to walk when he ended up five minutes at the diner.

He had finally picked up a connection outside the restaurant and phoned his driver he left back at the hotel.
He decided to wait it out, little did he know things were going to be interesting.

By the time Darrius exited the diner his driver was already outside to pick him up.

"Mr. Taylor", the man greet as he opened the backseat door for his boss.

Darrius slid in the vehicle.

When the car was on the move he pulled out this cellphone, " Miss Benson, Have my trip extended for two weeks, I'll be partly unavailable until then".


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