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It had been days since Darrius had locked himself away in the bedroom of his mansion.
  The only sound he recollect were the cautious walking by of his maids since he'd given strict instructions that he shouldn't be bothered, and the landscaping of his gardeners.

Minutes would turn into hours that he would try to call or text Ida, he was sure he'd left hundreds of apologizes through his text and voice messages, bit he couldn't blame her for the act of silence.

Everything was screwed up and it was all his fault, he just couldn't resist the urge of another woman, now drowning his sorrows in the toxic strength of alcohol was the only thing he saw as purpose.

Suddenly there was a banging on the door, Darrius was too drowsy and barely sober that he figured he was imagining things.

But the banging continued even louder than before.

He felt the sharp pain of a headache, "GO AWAY!", he could of hardly shout, st the person and the ache.

He was relieved when the banging stopped.
Then he heard the jingle of keys, when Darrius effortlessly decided to see what was happening, he saw his mother standing there.

"Darrius?", she exclaimed, regarding her son's condition. The person Evolette was looking at was a total stranger to her.

"Mom", he alarmed. "What are you doing here?", he faintly asked.

Darrius got off the bed, but clumsily fell on the ground, "fuck", he grumbled.

Evolette let her bag drop to the floor as she rushed to her son's aid.

She tried to help him up but his weight was too deadly on her she could only put him in a sit up position.

"Son, i would ask you the same thing, but it is quite obvious, look at you, look at this mess.

Darrius squint his eyes so he could see what she was talking about, then he looked at her dispiritly.

She glared at his saddened greys, "Darrius, what's wrong?".

"Mom, just let me be, why wouldn't anyone let me be", she watched as he struggled to his feet but landed right back down.
  He was able to stretch for the nearly empty whiskey that was laying on the floor.
In one gulp, he drank it all.

Evolette pulled the bottle from his grasp because he was still trying to get more of it's already finished contents.

She threw the bottle across the room, looking around at the uncountable number of breakable empty bottle of whiskey.

"Darrius, what's happening to you", the mother worried.
She had never thought she'd seen the barriers  around her son fall much less to seeing him cry.

She clutched him into her motherly embrace, enduring his noxious stench.

Darrius began crying even louder in his mother's arms.
"I failed her mom, i failed her", he sobbed.

"Failed who?", Evolette ran her hands over his full head of hair.

"Ida, Ida, Ida", he kept repeating.

"Darrius your not making sense to this, who is Ida", she puzzled.

When he began shredding more tears, she knew he was becoming even more upset.

She rocked him as a mother would to soothe her child.

She didn't want to ask anything else, she was begining to catch on, instead she asked, "was it real?".

"It took no time for him to answer, "Yes".

"Then why did you let her go?", Evolette queried.

"I-I screwed up mom, I ruined everything", he cried.

"And what man doesn't", she asked knowingly. "It's the one we love the most that brings us the pain but the same ones that brings joy,  once there's a solid foundation, nothing can break that bond", she advised.

"Mom, she wouldn't even take my call or return my text", he complained.

"We're women Darrius, we handle being hurt differently, but we're not obligated by men after being hurt, our way to vent is our silence, but men sees that as a threat, it's then they realize that they were wrong", she tried to make him see the situation at a different perspective.
"Do you love her", the elder woman enquired.
  Evolette had been patiently waiting for this moment to come for the second of her children and her only son.

Even though she'd constantly nagged him to choose a different lifestyle in which he lived his life, she'd never had the heart to accept the women he fancied.
It wasn't hard to tell they were only with him for his wealth, but she knew her son was smart enough, since he'd never brought them home.

Neither of them had ever had any effect on him the way this mystery woman had, her instinct told her this woman was different, for the state her son was in she had to be nothing short of a miracle, and Evolette thought God had finally answered her prayers and she wanted to personally thanked the woman for opening her son's eyes.

"Yes", the day of the incident, Darrius remembered the look into Ida's eye's, how hurt she was, that was when he realized he'd fallen for her.

"Then darling, get yourself together and go to her", Evolette said to him.

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