A/n pov: (I was watching Stranger Things when all of a sudden Joyce's dog barked and scared the living potatoes out of me.)
Y/N's POV:
I woke up completely wrapped in my blankets and what I exactly woke up to was my phone going off rapidly.b-dink b-dink b-dink b-dink.
"Ughh" I complained, but then thought:
I immediately hopped out of bed and grabbed my phone off the floor. I got notifications from Instagram talking about Finn Wolfhard and I hadn't realized what they were telling me. I scrolled down a lot and finally came to a stop when I saw Finn's profile picture and username. My heart almost immediately stopped beating. I had a weird feeling in my stomach like anticipation and I saw he liked one of my posts that had nothing to do with him or IT or Stranger Things.
"Oh my god." I whispered and then nearly fainted.
Well I mean I didn't faint but I fell to the floor with a thud. I covered my mouth with my free hand and knew I was starting to cry.
I cried when Millie liked two of my tweets and Idk TEARS))
My mom raced upstairs and opened the door.
"What happened?" She said with a worried look on her face. I looked at her and I saw Jingles right behind her.
"Finn liked one of my posts." I said quietly and the smiled. My mom returned the smile.
"That's amazing hon." She responded and helped me up. We headed downstairs and as soon as we got to the kitchen, Jingles was at the door, once again, barking at the mailman.
I went outside and grabbed the mail.
Bills, bills, more bills, .. wait-
"What the he-" I dropped the rest of the mail and stared at just one unfamiliar envelope.
It had my name on it.
And it was from Ellen.
THE ELLEN?! As in Ellen Degeneres..
I quickly opened it and read:
'Hello there Y/n L/n!! I have seen a video of you and absolutely loved it!! And I would be honored if you would come to the show. Before you deny it, I would like to say that this is a great opportunity and we may have a few prizes along the way. ;)
So if you accept, please email me at
((It's obviously not real LMAO XD.))
Ellen Degeneres.'
After reading that, everything went black and I felt myself fall to the floor.
This can't be real.
So that is the end of the story
LMAO I'm totally kidding. I'm not that rude.
But anyways, I got notified "Update," and I never get those so YIPPEE thank you.
Also I am so sorry for not updating, I've been working on my grades, so it will only be every now and then. Every couple of days that I update.
Anyways Love You PEEPS!!
And until the next Chapter,
Byers mah doods!!
Also btw, idk if I'm right, but isn't Jack Dylan Grazer's dog name Jingles?
Idk like I said.

The Ellen Show {Finn Wolfhard X Reader}
Fanfiction"You l-look beautiful, I have to say.." He blushed lightly and I could still tell. There it was again. The fading. ❤️❤️