Chapter III

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Jax is on the right and Jared on the left ^^ 😍😍

The alarm of my phone woke me up. Annoyingly might I add. I groan and hit the off button. Jax is no where to be seen and couldn't help but be a little sad. I get up dragging myself to the bathroom so I can take a shower. The warm water hits my body and I can't help but to groan at how good it feels. As I scrub my head with my coconut shampoo I begin to sing " eye of the tiger" quite ambitiously. Rinsing my hair and stepping out of the shower I see Jax in my doorway looking amused and holding a bag of food.
     My face turns hot instantly.
" don't say a word" I growl as I make sure the town is around me securely.
" I could eat you up ellie" he pulls me to him and kisses my forehead as he shuts his eyes tightly. 
" put some clothes on before I do" He looks down at my body and I roll my eyes pushing him out so I can get dressed.
I slip my underwear on and settle for some leggings and a tank top. Opening the door I let him in and he smirks at me.
" What now!?"
" nothing princess. You're just beautiful" he sits the food on the bed as he turns on Netflix.
" what do you have planned today?" He turns to face me.
" nothing really , I was thinking about going to see Isabel" my voice faulted. For a second I thought maybe he could see right through me. He didn't press any farther. Truth is the guy from the lunch room had asked me to go get some ice cream with him and I want to go so badly. I just want a couple friends. Not many , only like four. I checked my phone to see what time he said and I check the clock on my phone. Shit! I only have an hour to get ready. He wanted to meet at noon and it's already ten thirty.
     Putting my makeup on I decide to go with red lips today. This lipstick I found is absolute gold. It doesn't transfer and it's matte. I look at myself in the mirror as I straighten and dry my hair. I step out of the bathroom and Jax raises and eyebrow at me.
" nope. Hell no. You aren't wearing that" he says pointedly at my leggings.
" leave my pants alone" I grumble but go change them anyways. Slipping into some shorts instead I walk out adjusting my tank top. I hear him clear his throat , annoyed with me.
" how is that any better Elizabeth? Really." His tone was not happy that's for sure.
" j , give me a break will ya?" I roll my eyes as I go sit by him watching the television.
" come here" his voice is quiet and strained.
I look at him as he holds him arms out. I love when he holds me in his lap. That's the place I feel the safest.
" my pretty ellie" he coos in my ear stroking my hair. I melt against his chest and settle my face in the crook of his neck. He trails his hand up my back just like he knows I like it.
" Ellie are you sure you are going to see Isabel" my breathing caught and I try not to react. He always knows when I'm lying.
" y-yes j I'm going to go see Isabel" I confirm and at this point he knows I'm lying. He pulls my body to make me straddle him and makes my look him in the eye.
" lie to me again princess and that ass will be red as a cherry" he nips at my neck and sucks lightly. Where is this coming from? What is going on?
" j-j I'm not lying" he glares at me once I say this.
" was that another lie ellie? Do you want me to spank you? I think you do. I think it makes those pretty little panties wet" he says matter of factly. I bite my lip as I feel my ass being exposed to the air.
" you've been a bad girl lying to me ellie and bad girls get punished isn't that right" I don't answer him. I'm too busy thinking of his hands on my body.
" isn't that right ellie?" He says louder as he smacks my ass. I jump at the touch.
" y-yes j , bad girls get punished" I breathe out.
" why am I doing this Elizabeth? Why am I going to spank your ass until you can't walk?" He asks hoarsely.
" I lied j. You are spanking me because I lied" my breath catches in my air as his hand collided with my rear end. I almost groan from it hurting so good. He rubs the pain from it before another swat lands on the other cheek. This time I can't help it and a little moan escapes my lips. I was definitely hot and bothered by now. One more slap and my panties are gushing wet. I moan lightly and feel him member hard as a rock against my arm.
" such a perfect ass" he hisses as I feel him lean down and he places a kiss on each cheek. Holy fuck why is he so incredibly hot right now. What has gotten into him.
" now , where was my princess really going hmm?" He asks sweetly as he pulls my pants back up and rubs my back.
" I-I" I really didn't want to tell him to be quite honest.  " I was going to get some ice cream with a friend"
" what friend!" He growls at me.
" the guy in the lunch room" I say quietly. He gets up angrily and stalks out of the dorm , slamming the door. Where is he going now? I groan and flung myself back on to the bed. What the fuck. This new Jax is such a turn on but but I don't think I can take getting a spanking everyday. Although I liked it don't get me wrong. Hell I even wanted to go farther. I wonder if I should still meet up at the ice cream shop. Probably not , Jax would find me and kill the poor fella.
    Jax still isn't back and I am guessing he went to his room across campus. I sigh as I get yet another message from lunch room boy. I look at it and my eyes begin to widen. Oh fuck.
- why is Jax daughtry pounding on my door Elizabeth! He's going to break it!
As I read that my heart begins to pound in my chest.
I message him back quickly.
   - what's your room number. Hurry.
He replies as soon as it is sent
  - 350 A

As I make my way out of my dorm I run as quickly as possible down the stairs. I'm breathing heavily and don't know if I'll even make it in time. As I approach the boys side I run up the stairs and hear yelling. I go up to the room and find Jax holding the boy against the wall.
" she's mine! You don't get to even look at her do you understand!?" He punches him in the face and my eyes widen as big as saucers. I'm frozen in my spot.
" she isn't your fucking girlfriend dumbass!" Lunchroom boy challenges Jax. I'm going to call him Davidson because all I know is his last name.
" she's more than that" Jax growls as he slings Davidson to the floor tearing back to punch. He didn't know I was there but what he said kept replaying in my mind. I grab onto Jax's arm and tug as hard as I can.
" please j , get off of em" I feel tears spill on my face and he hears my voice crack. He huffs angrily as he picks me up in his arms bridal style and carries me out.
" fucking prick" he growls still brooding as he takes me back to my room.
" Jax why did you do that? You have to stop acting so irrational" I cry out to him.
" Ellie , he isn't a good guy okay? I know what guys like him think and I fucking refuse to let you be around that. No if ands or buts. You hear me?"
" yes Jax" I say quietly as I wipe the remainder of my tears. " you're an asshole you know that"
" I know baby" he chuckles and I can feel the vibrations against his chest. " but I'm your asshole"
   My heart could have flown out of my mother loving chest as I heard him say that. I chose not to comment , only hug him tighter. It was still the middle of the day but me being lazy all I wanted to do was sleep.
" Jax. Cook. Now." I say sleepily.
" fuck no"
" I'm hungry" I whine out to him.
" I can't cook el , you know this"
" you haven't even tried!" I exclaim.
" fine but when you don't have a dorm anymore don't cry to me" He snarls as he gets up. I smirk. I should've know better honestly than to make him cook. He really really did suck at it. As I watch tv I hear the smoke alarm ring in my ears. I jump up seeing a small fire and some very burnt pasta. I giggle as I throw salt onto of the fire and scrape the noodles into the trash can.
" I told you ellie. I really did" he defends himself.
" how about let's just order some take out?" I suggest
" oh now you suggest take out" he rolls his eyes at me and I giggle at him to his dismay.
" yup" I reply with a smug smile.
" ugh you suck princess" he stuffs his head into my neck and showers little kisses along it. I bite my lip as I order Chong's Chinese online.
" J-jax you're distracting Me" I breathe out as I close my eyes from how his lips feel on my skin. 
" you always distract me" he says sexily in my ear placing a kiss right below it.
As I press send I sit my phone down and do something I've always wanted to do. I straddle Jax as his eyes become wide with surprise. I tangle my fingers in his hair and move so slow I was getting impatient with myself. As I touch his lips to mine he instantly replies as our kiss deepens and he runs circles in my hips , slowly moving to grip my ass. I break the kiss as we both pant and he groans at me.
" why did you stop?" He brings me for another kiss and I can't help but to smile.
" what are you so smiley about?" Jax asks me snapping me from my day dream. The last thing I remember was he kissed my neck and then I zoned out. Fuck me. It was only just a dream. I groan and lay my head in my hands.
" nothing" I say with a slight attitude.
" oookay? Mrs cranky butt the food will be here soon" he assures me. But that isn't what I wanted at all. I want him pressed against me. I want him loving me. I try to get over it as I lay back to watch tv until the food got here , but unlucky as I am I fell asleep before it even arrived.

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