Chapter IX

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Hope you guys don't hate me too much! This is only the beginning guys it gets even crazier ;) lots of love and I hope you enjoy this chapter


       I'm not sure how I slept this long honestly , but I feel like I needed it. Why am I so crazy? Never would I ever break someone's bones before this started with Jax. I sigh , leaning my head on my hand and scroll through my phone. I hear a fist collide against my door several times.
" POLICE , OPEN THE DOOR!" I hear as my heart begins to race. My eyes are wide. My breathing quickens. Fuck. Fuck. What do I do? I hear the bang come several more times and I hop to my feet , scrambling to think of what to do. I can't go to jail! I can't! Fuck it I have nothing to lose. I make my way to the door and open it to see two very large men in uniforms peering down at me.
" are you Elizabeth Williams?" His tone was frightening.
" I am" I confirm as his hand runs along the hand cuffs. Suddenly I see Samantha hiding behind the officers and one of them turns to confirm.
" that's her! That's the girl her assaulted me!" She cries out.
" ma'am , please put your hands behind your back and come outside" I walk outside slowly , turning to face the wall with my hands clasped together behind my back. I glare at Samantha before I turn. She cowers behind the police officers yet again , but instantly smirks when he isn't looking. As I feel the cuffs tighten around my wrists uncomfortably the officer begins to tell my why I am being arrested and reads me my rights. He leads me into the elevator and as we step out people are staring at me and begin to whisper.
" HEY!" A deep familiar tone rings out. " HEY WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Jax demands stepping infront of us. The officer tries to push past him but doesn't succeed.
" hey! Tell me what's going on" Jax demands.
" sir this is none of your concern please step away" the second officer interjects.
" I'll be damned" Jax growls. " did Samantha do this? She's lying" as soon as the words come from his mouth the officers stop walking.
" go on?" They say in unison.
" well Samantha has had it out for Elizabeth since they met. She came to my place last night and proceeded to to bully and provoke Elizabeth. As soon as she went to lay hands on Samantha I grabbed her hands to prevent it. Although a little too rough I will admit I couldn't watch her hurt Elizabeth. Take me. I done it" Jax steps forward with his hands out. I begin to protest but he gives me a silencing look. The cops hesitated and looks at me.
" is this true?" The second cop asks me. Jax gives a form nod at me that they can't see and glares as if to tell me I better say yes.
" yes it is true" I confirm and they immediately cuff Jax and uncuff me. Samantha is angry and tries to protest saying it was me but the cops declared it was he said she said and two against one. She looks at me , huffs and stalks away. Jax looks at me through the glass window. Tears form in my eyes as I mouth I'm sorry to him. He gives me a small smile and says I love you.
As they drove away I had to think of something I could do. Something. But what? I go to my room and call Isabel hoping she isn't busy.
Phone call*
Isabel- hey what's up hoe?
Me- are you busy ?
Isabel- well Jared is coming over but not really why
Me- it's an emergency. Bring Jared.
End phone call*
    I click the end button and pace around the room waiting for her to get here. I have a lot to explain. Will she think I'm crazy? I'm not sure what got into me the other night. I was just so fed up. Samantha Samantha Samantha. She seems to always be in my way. I sit down on the couch and check my savings account. It doesn't have much but it might be enough to bail him out. I hear one sharp knock on the door before they let themselves in.
  " what happened? what's going on?" Isabel immediately says as Jared follows.
" Jax is in jail and it's all my fault!" I put my head in my hands. Isabel's face turns from disbelief to shock and Jared looks like he could strangle me.
  " what happened?" Jared spits out. As I begin to explain I tell them about his phone , what happened at the apartment and what lead up to now.
  " you.. you broke her thumbs?" Isabel says yet again in disbelief.
" I don't know what came over me I just got so angry!" I say groaning.
" that's fucking hilarious" Jared laughs
" she kind of did deserve it" Isabel shrugs and sits next to me. " don't worry we will get Jax out in no time" she assures me.
  " I'm going to call and see if he's been booked yet" Jared says stepping outside.
  " my own sister breaking bones and hearts in the same week" she shakes her head with an amused smile.
" is" I warn and she rolls her eyes.
" look it isn't as bad as you think. One time at the club this girl tried to kiss Derrick , remember him? Well I literally threw my glass and hit her in the head with it and after that I punched her. It broke her nose. It runs in the family" she shrugs.
" Jesus Isabel!" I laugh a little. I hear the door open and Jared comes in clearing his throat. His face is masked with a poker face and he slides his phone into his pocket.
" what did they say?" I ask rushing him.
" considering it was assault and she's going through with the charges he is going to be held for six months no bond" he says quickly like trying to rip a bandaid off.
" are you serious!? It should be me in there! No this can't be happening" I shoot up from my seat and begin out the door. Jared grabs my arm and restrains me from leaving.
" going and making a scene will only end up with you in jail too and Jax doesn't want that" Jared says in a fatherly and firm tone. I nod at him as if to say he is right.
" did they say anything about visitors?" I look at Jared expectantly.
" no but visiting hours are only from ten a.m. to twelve p.m." he shrugs.
" how do you know that?" Isabel asks suspiciously.
" simple , I've been to jail" he laughs. Her eyes widen.
" what did you do?" She asks shocked.
" oh this and that. Nothing you need to concern yourself with. That's why I know Jax will be fine. He's been in jail with me" he chuckles.
   Jax went to jail? Why didn't I know about this before? He's almost always with me how did he even have time to go to jail.
" you're thinking when did he go to jail cause he's always around you right?" Jared chuckles.
" yeah how did you?" I ask trailing off.
" I could see the wheels in your head flying. Well you remember spring break about two years ago? When he went to his parents?" He asks. I nod my head in reply.
" of course"
" he wasn't at his parents. He got arrested and didn't want you to worry about him so he lied" Jared says with a grin. I glare at him and he holds his hands up.
" hey not my fault! Although I got out sooner than him because he took most of the blame. Don't look at me like you wanna break my thumbs too" he says amused.
" screw you" I roll my eyes.
" that's Isabel's job" he smirks as her face turns red.
" get a room" I say and fake gag. She laughs st me and slaps my arm.
" so what do you plan to do for six months?" Isabel asks me.
" work , study and save money I guess. Just wait for Jax to be able to come back." I sigh and thinks of all the ways I'd like to seriously injure Samantha.
" why do you look so angry all of a sudden?" Isabel asks leaning away from me.
" I just really wanna fuck Samantha up" I say and cross my arms across my chest.
" that can be arranged" Jared interjects.
" go on" I lean towards him , putting my elbow ontop of my knees.
" don't worry about the details I will handle it. It's better you don't really know anything" he says in a final end of conversation voice. I nod at him and he smirks.
" you guys are fun" he laughs " evil but fun"
Isabel and I shrug. What can we say. We are our fathers daughters alright. Before he got with my mom he was in the mafia. He was second in command and ran the whole city but when he met mom he put those days behind him. Of course he couldn't actually do that because once you fuck with them you obviously can't just leave but you get the gist.
   Isabel tells Jared she's staying over tonight so he kisses her goodbye as she raids my fridge.
  " what up with Jared being so secretive?" I ask her confused.
" I haven't figured that one out yet. But you better believe I damn sure will" she huffs.
    Around midnight my phone rang. I answer it and it's asks if I accept the charges. I accept and on the line I hear Jax.
" hey baby I can't talk long" he says.
" Jax I'm so sorry I was so stupid and reckless. I should have never left you I don't know what's wrong with me" I say quickly.
" hey it's okay , calm down. I'm fine in here , made some friends even" his velvety voice soothed me.
" Jax this is all my fault. I'm so sorry"
" don't apologize. She deserved what happened to her. I'll be back in no time just make sure you come visit me sometimes ellie I'll miss your beautiful face" I can hear the smile in his voice and it made me feel better.
" I love you"
" I love you more my little el , I have to go time is running out. I love you so much" he says and the phone goes dead. Fuck Jax. What am I going to do without you for six months?

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