Talk About Our Hurt Friend

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A/n: I have to decreased the feels in this story for a while. I don't want to always make you guys cry like there is no tomorrow. This chapter wouldn't be more worse than the last one.


Normal POV

Misaki was at the Card Capital alone. It was afternoon and the sky has turned orange. She was worried about the morning's conversation.

Flashback: start

"What?! Rekka's sister is missing. Didn't anyone had seen her? It's almost impossible for someone didn't find her yet when she is famous." Mai said.

"We don't know too, Mai. We also confused on that part." Kamui said.

"Then what are we going to do?" Emi asked.

"That is what we think now. It's complicated." Miwa said.

Misaki sighed and stared at her friends who had no idea how to solved this problem. Well, of course they couldn't sitting around doing nothing. But try to finding Kourin will take a long time and maybe they won't find her cause she can already be at somewhere else or maybe already far from Tokyo.

They couldn't make an exact decision but they also had no other way.

"Guys, maybe we shouldn't find her on our own. We don't have any information where she is. If anyone has seen her, the news will surely already spread. It will be pointless if we search her when even anyone couldn't find her." Misaki said.

"Sis, you're right. But at least we should do something. After all, Aichi might be happy if Kourin is here." Miwa said.

Everyone widened their eyes. 

Miwa realized what he said as he looked around. "Aichi is not here, right? Aichi is not here, right?" Miwa said a little fast. "I'm sorry. I didn't think before I talked."

Misaki shook her head, "No, Miwa. It's okay. We just shocked that you had a point." Miwa sighed in relief upon hearing that. "But Miwa,... did you also notice anything strange from Aichi?" Misaki asked.

"Yes, I do."

"And when do you noticed that?"

"When I heard Kai was talking with Aichi when we were asleep."

"What?!" Kai exclaimed.

"Kai, you were beside me, of course I can hear you. You tried to talk with Aichi but Aichi ignored you. It's not like him. He always turned his face to anyone even strangers and respond immediately, especially that person is you. I knew you're not that stupid to be expecting that someone wasn't asleep. So, maybe Aichi was hearing you but he didn't respond."

Kai nodded in agreement. Aichi never ignored his friends like that. Aichi might be the silent among them but he's not the cold type like Kai.

"What about you guys?" Misaki asked to her other friends.

"I only got suspicious that Aichi didn't get a huge impact when Kai said that Kourin is gone." Naoki said.

"I didn't notice. But I felt suspicious on him for no reason." Leon said.

"Same as Leon." Ren said.

"Same." Neve said.

"I'm same as Naoki Ishida." Gaillard said.

"Same as Naoki too." Rati said.

"It means that all of us have noticed, huh?" Kamui said.

"But we can't be thinking nuts right now. We have to hope that Aichi will be okay. He might be feel sad behind us but we have to hope that he won't do anything that will kill himself." Misaki said.

Some of the gulped as they heard Misaki's last sentence.

"Tokura is right. So, we have two jobs. First is to keep an eye on somewhere else, we might have seen Kourin if we do that. And the second one is to watch over Aichi." Kai said then he looked at Emi. "We can only count on you for that, Emi. You live with Aichi. So, please watch over him when we can't watch over him."

Emi nodded. "It's already my job to watch over him. Aichi can be stubborn anytime." Emi said.

"We hoped everything will be okay."

Flashback: end

Misaki sighed and put her hand on the table before laying her head on it. She was very worried and at the same time she felt complicated.

She wanted to help Aichi but she couldn't. She also wanted to find Kourin but she already said that will not be a good idea. She ruffled her own hair in frustration.

"Tokura,... "

She lifted her head and saw a brown hair person in front of her. "K-Kai, are you alone?" She asked as Kai put his hand on the table, facing her.

"You can see I am." Kai said as Misaki gave an 'oh' as a respond. "You seem confused."

"You already know the reason, Kai." Misaki said.

"About them?" Kai said then received Misaki's nod seconds later. "I also think about them too. I don't know why I felt like this. It's unsual." Kai said.

"Guess we had the same problem, huh." Misaki said and Kai nodded.

"Aichi. He almost like my brother. We're really connected as brothers even I denied that all the time. I'm not embarrassed anymore to admit that I'm worried what will happen to him."

"Same as me, Kai." Misaki said. "Kai,... did you notice that Aichi loves Kourin back?"

"Aichi is not good on keeping a secret sometimes. There are many prove that he loves Kourin."

"One of them is when he said that he will meet Kourin again, right?"

"Yes. I thought that promise is too powerful for a friend." Misaki only nodded. There's a silent for a moment then Kai took control the atmosphere again. "Tokura, if I were Aichi,... what will you feel or what will you do if you are Kourin?"

"I... " Misaki paused when she got confused about Kai's question. Her confused was contagious as Kai also confused. It took a while for Misaki to realize and she blushed hardly. "K-Kai,... you don't... mean... "

Kai also realized and blushed. "W-What am I... saying? No, Tokura. I wasn't... about to ask you... that. It just come out of my mouth... " Kai said in confuse, but put his cool face after that. "Well,... what's your answer?"

Misaki stared at Kai for a moment, "I... I will try to find you... even though I don't have my memories. And I'll cheer you even though I don't remember you." Misaki said. "Sorry, that's the only answer I can come up with."

"No, Tokura,... " Kai mumbled as he smiled. "That's a good answer." He said then he stood up. "I gotta go now, Tokura. See you tomorrow." He was ready to leave his spot.

Kai felt a hand pulled him as he turned his head back. "Tokura?"

Misaki looked down and tightened her grip. "Can you... stay here a bit longer?" Misaki asked.

Kai couldn't hide his little shock then he smiled. He patted Misaki's head and nodded. 

They spend their time there, talking and laughing together.

A/n: it's KaiSaki in this chapter. Sorry AiKou fans. Right now I want to write KaiSaki. Hope you like it. Bye bye...

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