Will I Remember Him?

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A/n: no words.


Kourin's POV

I was wondering as I walk around without knowing my destination. I don't know anything.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Why I suddenly at here?

What was happened?

Many question in my mind but none of the single question can be answered. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. But then,... I saw a group and they're beating up the poor blue haired boy. One of them punched him as he rolled over before stopped beside the river.

I was so shocked but I can't do anything. I could only stare at that group leave him.

I was so concerned and my feet just moved by itself. I went near him as I checked on him. He had many wounds and bruises. His wounds start to bleed.

I turn to his phone that was vibrating on the ground. I can't answered it. So, I ignore it and put into his pocket before I grab his hand and carry him on my shoulder. It was kinda hard but I won't give up to help him.

At night, I took him to a place under a big tree. I put him to the ground. Fortunately, there was a river too. So, I can treat his wounds. I cupped the water on my hand then I wiped the blood from his body.

I wiped the blood on his face as I stare at his face. He was so cute and handsome as I blushed. Don't know why I felt so happy.

When I'm done, I watched over him as he was asleep.

My heart beat fast everytime I stare at him. I felt something that was about to released. But it was so complicated. It feels I want to smile happily and tell him something that is very blurry. Don't know why I felt... I miss him.

I caressed his face. Then, he slowly open his eyes. I was so shocked as he looked around. "Oh, sorry, sir. Did I awake you?" I asked.

He widened his eyes and he quickly get up. He stare at me before he hugged me tightly. I shocked by his action. But it's so warmth and I kinda feel want to hugged him back.

But before I did that, he broke the hug and stare at me. "This... This is not a dream, right?" He asked.

I don't know what he means but I just answered. "No,... this isn't a dream."

"This is not dream! This is really not a dream!" He said happily as he try to stabilize his breath. "Kourin,... I'm so happy... I'm so glad that I meet you here... " He said... but I turn confused.

"Kourin? Is that... my name?" I asked as he widen his eyes. I see his tears filled with happiness and sadness fell down from his cheek.

"Kourin,... " He mumbled but he try to smile in front of me as he touch my face. "Yes,... your name... is Kourin." He cried as he look down. He lift his head as he went near me. "Kourin,... *sob* you... you might be think... that I... will lie... but this is... my true feelings."

I was about to talked. But then,... I felt a lips touch mine. He hold my waist as he touch my hair gently. He leaned himself on the tree while still kissing me.

I felt so warmth. My heart beating fast and I could feel his heart beating fast too. His warmth... why it feels familiar?

He broke the kiss as he stare at me. He caressed my face and our noses touch. "Kourin,... I... love you."

That words... has make my eyes watery. Why I felt I want to cry happily? Why I feel that words is something that I want to hear from him?

I realized that my tears have fall. I clutched his coat as I try to hold my tears. But it's useless. "I-I'm... sorry... *sob* I... I don't know... h-how to... answer that." I said.

He kissed my cheek as I blushed hardly. "It's okay... *sob* even though... you won't remember me... even though... you won't answer it... I... I'm glad... I can say this... t-to you." He said.

We stare at each other and we cry together. I feel he is the most precious person in my life. I hope I can remember him. I hope I can remember my memories of being with him. So that I will know just how precious he is.

But will I remember him?

I letting go all of my feelings as I hug him. I clutched his coat as he hugged me back and he stroke my hair. I feel happy... but why I also feel sad. Was it because... I don't remember him... my mystery precious person?

Normal POV

Everyone search for Aichi and Kourin. They already searched for them at Miyaji Academy, the park, Hitsue, Fukuhara, and everywhere that they know. But they still don't found them.

"Kai, where are we going now? We've been looking everywhere." Miwa said.

"We can't give up yet. I'm sure we'll find them." Kai said. Then, he run leaving the group and searching on his own.

"Oi, Kai! Don't search for them on your own!" Naoki shout.

But then, Kai stopped when he sees a big tree. He had a feelings about it as he walk around. He widen his eyes when he see a a couple hugging each other.

"Aichi,... Kourin,... " He mumbled. But his heart felt that he shouldn't broke those two's hug. He only could smile and stare at him. He is so happy that they finally be together now.

Kai turn to everyone and ask them to come but quietly. Everyone did what he said and see Aichi and Kourin. They stare at them for a moment until Kai step forward.

He walk toward the couple. Aichi feel his presence as he turn to Kai. "Aichi, I'm sorry to interrupted. But you should-... " Kai whispered but been cut by Aichi's nodded.

Aichi broke the hug and stare at Kourin. "Kourin,... it's time to take you home." He said.

"Home?" Kourin said in confuse.

"Yes,... we'll take you there." Aichi said as he stood up and hold Kourin's hands. He caressed her face and he couldn't help but to smile sadly. "One thing,... " He giggled to fake his sob. "I'm sorry for kissing you, Kourin."

Kourin could only nodded and touch his hands that was touching her face. Both of them hope that they will stay with each other more longer but they have to separated for now.

Everyone take Kourin to the police office. The police shocked and quickly call the other Ultra Rare member. Not long after, Suiko and Rekka come with many reporter behind them.

Aichi only could stare at her even though the reporters start to close her from his eyes. He sees Kourin enter the car as Kourin sees him too. Aichi smiled as he wave his hand to her and she do the same.

When Ultre Rare's car drive away, the reporters also leave the place.

The wind blow gently to Aichi. He wiped his tears that was about to fall. Kai pats his shoulder as he turn and see his friends behind him. Aichi smiled sadly to them. "I'm okay, guys. Now... I'm totally... fine."

Everyone smiled back to him. Aichi look at his right where Kourin's car just drove away. He close his eyes with a smile on his face.

"Hope we will be together again,... Kourin."

A/n: Did anyone guessed it right?

The one who search for Kourin: Kai, Naoki, Misaki, Ren, Leon, Gaillard, Rati, Neve, Emi, Kamui, and Miwa.

While the one who found and meet Kourin: Aichi.

Well, I don't have any words now. See you later...

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