depression ⇒ part three

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Mendel ordered mandatory bedrest for Dad and he was to never be alone under any circumstance. And guess who was the lucky person that was designated to keep an eye on him 24/7. It was a living hell for both of us. But I will admit, we grew closer as father and son because of it. 

He got better everyday. I could tell. He started eating. He started walking around. He started talking more, and talking positively at that. He started acting like my father again, and it was beautiful. 

I think having a near-death experience opened his eyes. He realized he had only ten - twenty at best - more years at life and he needed to make those years count. That's when a change was made. 

the five stages of grief ⇒ falsettos | ✔️ #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now