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I wanted to do something special for dad's funeral, like Whizzer and the chess piece. But I couldn't think of anything. Not a single inside joke or reference or anything that would be significant enough to put in a casket or on a gravestone.

But then I figured it out. And when that somber day arrived, Levi - Dad's boyfriend - clenches my shoulders and leads me forward to the grave, tears welling in both of our eyes. I look behind me at the crowd that has gathered, a crowd who all cared about my Dad. 

Mom and Mendel, of course. They may have made Dad's life a living hell, but they were still always there when we needed it. Cordelia and Dr. Charolette. People who are...who are different like them need to stick together til death do them part. Jamie. The newest addition to the Feldman-Wisenbachfeld family, also known as my wife. I'm still questioning my sexuality, but the one thing I'm sure of is that I love this woman more than I've ever loved anyone in my life. And finally, Whizzer. He isn't here physically, obviously, but his presence can be felt by
everyone there.

I look away and walk forward, the grip on my shoulders loosening until it's gone completely. The ground began to grow damp from all of the tears falling from my cheeks. I reach into my pocket, my fingers grabbing onto my item. I can feel my knuckles turn white as I pull it out of my pocket and drape the tie across the coffin. Mom and I always made fun of Dad for it and Whizzer - god Whizzer - he despised that tie with all of his being. I thought it was the only appropriate item to dedicate to my father. 

I heard mixed reactions from my peers. Laughs from the lesbians from next door. Sobs from Mendel. A combination of both coming from Mom. I smirk to myself, glad that they appreciated my tribute. It could never live up to the chess piece though. 

And now here we are. The seven of us gathered around a hole in the ground, as the coffin was lifted down into it. Who would've thought it would end up like this? And who would've thought Dad would ever be reunited with Whizzer again. 

the five stages of grief ⇒ falsettos | ✔️ #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now