It's Been Too Long, My Dear

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Hey fam!!! So, wow! Thank you all TREMENDOUSLY for the reviews! I figured most of you were quiet readers, just like me! You have no idea how relieved I am you all want me to continue this!

This book is like my baby! At school, people see me as an outgoing and very social girl! But only two people know I write! This book just makes me happy! I plan to at least get this book to sixty chapters!

And I got a few comments on religion, and things in that matter. I do plan to incorporate some religion into this, but not to much. I am open about my religion, and don't mind appropriate questions on it. In the book, the religion will be simple Christianity.

So if there are any suggestions, or things you would like to see happen, I'm all in! Just comment or DM!

Thank you guys! HUGE announcement at the end :)

"How'd you sleep?" Jay kissed Erin's temple, pulling her into his embrace.

Erin sighed into the hug. She slept really good. The best she slept in a while. Having Jaxton in the room next to theirs, being under the same roof; that made Erin beyond happy. "I slept great. How about you?"

Jay caressed her shoulder, teetering back and forth with her, almost like a slow dance. "I slept okay. I checked on Jax a few times. I was worried about him, but every time I went to check on him, he was sound asleep, a smile on his face. You slept like a rock." He smiled, looking into her groggy eyes.

Erin giggled. "Awh, does Jay have a soft side?" Jay shook his head. "Did you really check on Jax? I feel like a terrible mother not checking on him once. I didn't even wake up." Erin began to feel guilty.

"Erin, you're not a terrible mother! Never! You were tired, and both of you were chatter boxes last night; so you both were passed out." Jay laughed, pressing his lips to hers, capturing themselves in a moment. They took gentle sips of each other, kissing each other lovingly. Both of them were so excited to add Jaxton to their family.

"Are you both always this happy?" Erin and Jay jumped back from each other.

"Jaxton, hey!" Jay smiled, wrapping his arm around Erin's waist. "We usually are happy. I make breakfast almost every morning and we talk to each other about everything. It's how we work together. If you stay in communication and love the other person, it'll work out." Jay let Erin go, walking back to the stove, slipping French toast and three pieces of bacon on each plate.

Jaxton nodded, walking over to the fridge and pouring a glass of orange juice into a cup from the cupboard. "You guys seem like the parents who will wear face paint for my sporting events." Jax laughed, taking a seat at one of the three barstools.

"Who says we won't?" Jay smiled, placing the plates on the bar stools. "Do you want syrup?"

Jaxton grinned wickedly. "One step ahead of you, Jay." He dramatically lifted the syrup bottle onto the counter, both Erin and Jay laughing.

All three of them sat down eating breakfast. "So, how did you sleep bud?" Jay looked over to Jaxton, who was sitting in between him and Erin.

Jaxton held up his hand. He finished chewing his food, and began to talk. "Really well! The bed is so comfy! And I really liked the tv in the room. I'm used to falling asleep watching ESPN, so it was good. And grandma or papa never made breakfast. It was always cereal."

Jay nodded. "Good! I think Erin was a little nervous last night. She really wants you to like it here so we can adopt you. And as for the food, I usually make breakfast at least three out of five days, so don't worry about that."

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