First grade boyfriend part6

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Did he... die? No... no he just blacked out. I didn't know what to do... I sat on the rocky floor with his head on my lap, crying. After a couple seconds I got the strength to get up and carry him along with me. I scooped him up into my arms and jogged to his house, leaving our bikes there. "You can't die on my eds" I thought aloud... I realized how much of a wimp I sounded... how much of a wimp I made him. He's strong and he's tough! He'll make it threw this. He has to... Once I got to his house I attempted to knock on the door but couldn't do it, so instead I laid Eddie on the floor propped up again the side of the house. I frantically knocked on the door. Finally after multiple seconds of knocking mrs. K answered the door. "Ugh its you" she said before she realized Eddie was there. "OH NO MY BABY" she screamed staring at him horrified. "Mrs. K, his inhaler" I attempted to calm her down but she was having a panic attack. She got onto her knees and hugged Eddie, crying uncontrollably. I had to take matters into my own hands and go get his inhaler. When I came back mrs. K wasn't there. She wasn't in the living room or on the porch, or in the kitchen either. I ran to the porch and puffed eds inhaler into eddies mouth before I realized he was awake. "EDDIE OH MY GOD!" I yelled wrapped my arms around him tightly. "I thought you were a goner" I grasped his shirt pushing my body closer to his. He coughed then said "n-nah I'm ok-Kay Richie." When he said this sentence his voice was weak, fragile. Like he was about to break any second. "Eddie" I laid my head on his shoulder and started crying, he took one arm and slowly patted me on the back to reveal that he was okay. I backed away a little bit, and just stared at him with tears streaming down my face. "This is all my fault" I muttered to myself. "Wha-what?" Eddie asked confused. "All your fault?" He continued. "YES EDDIE! If I hadn't told you you'd be fine without your fannypack...." I paused, thinking about what COULD have happened. "I ruined this date" I blurted out without thinking about it. "D-date?" Eddie stuttered. "W-what?" He was super confused and I could tell. "I mean.." I hesitated. "Uhh yea date" I said a little louder. "I'm not afraid to say that your the person I like" I told him in confidence" "Richie" Eddie said "yes eds spageds?" I replied. "I... I love you." He said and quickly pecked me on the cheek. "Heh... I love you too eds" I scooted next to him so we were both laying against his house. "Where's my mom?" He asked. "She was here couple minutes ago..." I paused. "Can we play a game Richie?" Eddie asked me. "Uhh yeah sure" I responded. "Okay let's play a question game!" He sounded excited so I went with it. Though it sounded a little boring. "Sure" I replied, "You go first" i insisted . "Okay, have you ever liked Beverly." I thought about it for a second. Have I ever liked Beverly... I don't think so. "No" I told him. "Okie" he said with a chuckle. There's that adorable laugh! Gets me every time. "Your turn" he reminded me. "Alrighty." I hesitated "how long have you liked me? AND BE TRUTHFUL" I was really curious about this. "I've liked you... a while" he says. "EDDIE" I respond annoyed. "What?!? Okay fine" he looked at me with a nervous face on. "I've liked you since first grade" first grade. I thought back to that year. That was the year I found out what a inhaler is. That's the year I met billy and Stan too. That's the year Eddie and I became ULTRA BEST BUDDIES
heh... good times. "First grade?" I repeated. "Yup" he said. "You look exhausted eds!" I changed the subject, "You should get some rest" I told Eddie. He really did look tired. He looked like he just finished a 5 marathon mile. I got up and offered him a hand. He took it and walked along side me up the stairs to his bedroom. "Can't you stay?" He asked me as I forced him to lay in his bed. "No, not tonight eds spageds" I told him. "Can I see you tomorrow?" He asked. "Yes" I reassured him. "Quick kiss?" Eddie asked. I stumbled over to him and kissed him on the lips then on the forehead. "Night eds" I told him, and hoped out the window. I walked back to the barrens to get mine and eds bikes back. After returning eds bike,  I biked home and immediately fell asleep on my couch.

SHORT ONE... srry I'm so tired I'm loosing it... seriously... but anyway THX SO MUCH FOR OVER 100 READS! I know to some it's not a lot but to me this is amazing!!!!!! I love y'all who be reading this. Make sure to vote and follow if ya like what your reading! Comment any spelling errors and gn! (Posts daily!)

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