Trouble Finds Us (chapter 1)

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"Dexter Luxford!" yelled the angry man behind him. Dex turned around quickly and looked at the furious statue stomping his way towards him. Dex backed up and smiled. "Timothy, you don't wanna do this!" he laughed nervously. Timothy leaned over him and growled in his face. "You cheated at poker!" he grabbed Dex by the collar. "I'm gonna beat the hell out of you!" he drew back and swung. Dex ducked and rolled over to the side picking up an empty beer bottle and looking at Timothy.

"There's no need for violence!" Dex acted like he was about to throw the glass bottle. Timothy flinched and backed up. Dex snickered a little bit and threw it anyways. It popped and small bits of glass sprinkled over Timothy. His face turned apple red and he stormed after him.

"Oh no." Dex said calmly backing away towards his motorcycle. He turned around and almost tripped over his own feet running away from Timothy, who had just unsheathed his large military grade knife.

"Was this your card!?" Wally flipped over the vacant card in his hand and showed the two women an ace. They both clapped and laughed. Wally pointed to his cheek and both girls leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. He wobbled on the motorcycle he was sitting on top of. He blushed and heard the sound of feet running behind him. Wally spun around to see his best friend Dex running from a rival biker gang's leader Timothy.

"Wally turn on the ignition!" Dex yelled gesturing his arms back and forth. "You want me to drive!?" Wally yelled. Dex nodded yes and hopped on the back of the bike. "I don't have a motorcycle license!" he shrugged. "I don't give a flying fu-" Dex was interrupted by the sound of ignition and the motorcycle revving up. Wally turned the handle bars and the motorcycle went from zero to fifty within seconds.

Dex held onto the back of Wally and he peered over his shoulder to see Timothy getting on his own motorcycle. "You can drive one of these, correct?" Dex asked. Wally shrugged. "Probably, I've seen you drive them. How hard can it be?" he snickered while accelerating. Dex mocked a laugh. "Ha ha. Very funny. Just loose him and let's get out of here!" Dex put his hand on his concealed carry.

Wally leaned forward and the motorcycle sped up to eighty miles per hour. The chilling air of the summer nights were soothing in their hair. Wally had long dark brown hair, a leather vest, a torn light brown tee-shirt, and torn jeans.

Dex had a snap cap on backwards with short brown hair, a long sleeves jean jacket, jeans, a tee-shirt underneath and boots.

"Can't we just drive by the police station and ask for help?" Wally asked. Dex looked at him. "Are you kidding me right now!? We're just as guilty as they are!" "How are we as guilty as they are?" Wally asked. Dex chuckled nervously. "Well, earlier today I robbed a gas station, I cheated in a public game of poker, and I threatened somebody with a firearm." Dex smiled. "How does that make me guilty?" Wally asked. Dex leaned into his ear. "You're harboring a fugitive." Wally's face turned white. "Da**it, Dex. I'm not gonna have my perfect college grades and future go down the drain because I picked you up on a motorcycle!" Wally sped up even further.

They heard the sound of another motorcycle picking up speed behind them. Wally and Dex both turned to the left and saw Timothy driving parallel to them. Timothy's hair was waving around untamed and his leather jacket was fluttering behind him. His goggles were a little shiny. "Give it up, Dex! Just fight me like a man!"

Dex reached for his concealed carry. He lurched the fully loaded desert eagle up and aimed it at Timothy with a burning hate. Timothy eased on the brake and slowed down a little. Wally turned back to him. "Dex, you don't gotta shoot. He's standing down." Dex sweat and kept the gun locked on him. His finger twitched a little and finally he yanked his finger back. The bullet exploded out of the barrel and Timothy's chest seemed to erupt with a red spray.

Timothy capsized on his motorcycle and skitted down the dry paved road and his body practically ragdolled. It spun out of control and smashed into a dumpster on the side of the road. His neck made a snap that was louder than both motorcycle engines.

Wally's heart jumped to his throat and he got a lump in it. His head started sweating and he heard Dex's faint and shallow breathing behind him. Wally got shivers up his spine and he shook it off and continued driving. "We can stop now..." Dex said.

Wally looked back at him then at the road for a nearby rest stop. He passed cars and closed businesses for the night until they came upon and opened gas station. The time currently was around 2:00am.

Wally slowly pulled the motorcycle into the gas station and put down the kick stand. He slapped himself softy and shook some more. Dex nudged his back and got off the motorcycle. "He's better off dead anyways, bud. His biker gang and ours were going at it for too long." Dex brushed off his pants and walked towards the entrance of the gas station. Wally quickly followed behind Dex who was still shaking from the cold, but also the coldness.

"Hey, Dexter. What are you doing up so late?" said a voice from the front counter. Dex stopped dead in his tracks with a ghostly white face. He jerked his head left to see Officer Lucas standing next to the cashier ordering a bag of peanuts. Dex backed up slowly. "I'm just getting a drink..." "Who's that?" Wally asked. "Officer Lucas. He used to be my probation officer." Dex put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall. Wally put his hands in his pockets as well and looked up and down at Officer Lucas. "Who are you?" Lucas asked.

"Wallace Williams." he responded. Officer Lucas looked surprised. "You're not his brother?" "No sir." Wally said. "Makes sense, you're well behaved." Officer Lucas slid his peanuts off the counter and walked towards Dex.

"Stay out of trouble, mister, or it'll be more than probation." Officer Lucas pointed at him. "Sir, you know I work for the Augusta Police Department, right?" Officer Lucas looked up from his peanuts and looked at Dex again. "You're the new guy being put into work tomorrow? What for?" he asked.

Dex smiled and waved. He nodded and bowed. "You're looking at the new bounty hunter of the police force." "Bounty hunter!?"Officer Lucas laughed. Dex slowed down a little. "Well, technically not a bounty hunter. I just help the police find the suspects and I bring them in." Dex answered. Wally looked up at the Officer Lucas and he shrugged.

"You're the man who does the dirty work, eh?" Officer Lucas asked. Dex shrugged and nodded. "Yup, that's me..." "Don't worry, you'll be good at it." Officer Lucas walked out of the gas station with his peanuts in his hands.

Dex covered his face and walked to the beer section of the gas station. Wally walked up to the counter to look at the kinds of potato chips that were there. He stayed in and out of focus while thinking about the gunshot and murder he just witnesses. He tried tuning out the annoying riots and attacks from the sick people down Florida that were playing on the news channel.

Wally looked up at it and some really ugly people were attacking innocents on the news channel playing on the mini TV by the counter. Wally pointed. "Could you turn that off?" he asked. "Sure thing." The clerk said turning it off.

Wally slumped down to begin waiting for his friend. He wrapped his legs in his arms and the scene kept playing over and over again.




It was like a horror movie playing over and over again.

Over and over.

Over and over once again.

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