Unexpected Turnouts (chapter 27)

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Kenneth Buckley jammed the key into the lock. He twisted it and picked up the tool box from behind him. It was heavy and filled with tools. He glared at Jenna, who sat in handcuffs in the cell, and she was angry. She immediately hocked a loogie at her. Ken jumped back and clicked his tongue. "This is gonna be fun." he said. He set the tool box on the other send of the cell and opened it.

Inside were wire clippers, a car battery, alligator clips, a hammer, and a wash cloth. He walked back out of the cell and dragged a pail full of water into it. He set it down with a loud metal thud. Ken walked over to Jenna and crouched over. He looked into her eyes. "Was this Wally's plan?" he asked. Jenna avoided eye contact until her mouth broke into a smile. She bit her lip and looked up at Ken.

"You're hot." she said. Ken nodded. "I know." he muttered. "Let's do something about that." Jenna said sitting up on her knees. Ken stood up and kicked her over. He scoffed and crossed his arms. "I have a wife and I love her dearly. I have a son as well and you will do no such thing to me that will screw this up." Ken said walking over to the toolbox. He leaned over and rubbed his chin with an evil grin.

He picked up the wire clippers and glanced over at Jenna. She was watching him with caution and fear. Ken stood up again and walked over to her. Ken fell to his knees and grabbed her left hand viciously. "Tell me what Wally's plan was or is." he said. Jenna looked at the wire clippers then at Ken again. "I'll tell you if you let me do things to you, baby." Jenna said biting her lip again. It almost looked chapped at the amount of times she bit it per day. Ken sighed. "This would be so much easier if you just told me." he said.

Ken clamped the wire cutters down on Jenna's pinky finger's nail. He squeezed tightly and ripped the nail straight off her finger. Jenna shrieked and kicked around. Ken jumped back and loosened the grip on the wire cutters. The nail fell to the ground in a small thump sound. Jenna clutched her finger and screamed. Tears screamed down her face until Ken kicked her in the side. "Woman up! Tell me Wally's plan and I won't kill you!"


Blaise clipped his brass knuckle sword and his chain baseball bat into the sides of his backpack. He had welded iron plates to the front of his blue jacket in furthering his defense. Blaise wore black pants and he had a combat pistol at his side. Nothing else. He rubbed his fingers through his black greasy hair and hopped up into the barrack vehicle's driver seat. He turned the key and the engine ignited without a problem.

Dex loaded his desert eagle and put his cap on backwards. He grabbed a fire axe off the armory wall and polished it with a wash cloth. He held it at his side and hopped into the back of the armory vehicle with Tinley. She held a Barrett .50 caliber rifle in her hands. The gun was almost as big as her. Tinley wore a bullet proof vest and long jeans.

Sam got up front with Blaise. She had a SPAS heavy shotgun in her lap. The shotgun shells already in the gun and some in her pockets. Sam wore a motorcycle helmet and riot gear chest plate over her body.

More people from Aviana hopped in the back. All of them wearing almost completely different things. Baseball bats, machetes, AK-47s, Mossbergs, and almost any other gun you can imagine were held by the thirty people that hopped in the back of the vehicle. The barrack vehicle was meant for twenty in the back but thirty people managed to squeeze in and sit on the floor.

Yang, Theo, Katelyn, and Phon stood by the driver side window. Theo looked up to Blaise and nodded. "You look badass." Theo said handing him a radio. Blaise chuckled and took it. "Thank you. I'm a good welder." he said.

Yang went up to the window of the driver's side. "Please, try to not die. These are our best fighters in the back of this vehicle. They've been through it all. Bandit raids, roamer attacks, and even military fighters." Yang said. Blaise nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I will not let you down." Blaise said. Sam leaned over towards the window. "Yang, Yang. Don't worry about any of this. We fought Wally himself before. We know the Factory." Sam said.

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