Chapter 1

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❥The chapter starts out with Dipper's ❥POV and just so you know when the ❥words are like this its the person's ❥thoughts. Enjoy the chapter!


It is the last week of high school.
The last day of the week to be precise.
I would be going to collage after this.. Just a few months ago I couldn't have been happier to leave this hell hole and go to college..
It kind of makes me sad to know I'll never make it there. I place a note in my backpack with 'MABEL' written on it in bold black letters I'm so sorry it has to end like this Mabel.. A silent tear rolls down his face. The boy pulls a pill bottle out of his bag, standing up, and walks over to the mirror. He stares at his reflection for a moment. He has messy, curly, fluffy brown hair. A black earring in his left ear. Big chocolate eyes with dark bags under them and the palest skin. He was wearing a black hoodie with a red shirt under it, the darkest skinny jeans he could find, and a pair of black converse​. He sighed looking at the bottle in his hand. He grumbled to himself as he opened the cap "come on Dipper just get it over with before someone comes in here"

*Third person POV*

Dipper threw the cap to the floor, taking one last glance at his reflection before tilting his head back and dumping the pills into his mouth. He heard someone shout "What do you think you're doing!" Next thing he knew he was being tackled.
The pills fell out of his mouth, the boy who tackled him had his hands pinned next to his head, yelling in a frantic voice "if you have any more in your mouth spit them out!"
Dipper looked up at the yelling boy, glaring at him once he saw it was...


❥Ok so that was the first chapter!
❥I hope you liked it!

❥337 words

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