Chapter 16

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Hey guys!
I decided to gave you an early update.
because today is my birthday ~! ◕ᴗ


Bill felt a stab at his heart every time Dipper would whimper on the car ride home. Seeing pinetree in so much pain, curled up in the car's seat, had Bill mentally beating himself up.
The whole car ride back was silent, minus Dipper's occasional whimpers.
Bill finally parked outside the dorms.
He was so fast that it seems like he parked and in just the snap of the fingers he was picking Dipper up, out of his car. Bill did his best to get them into their dorm room quickly, ignoring anyone that tried to talk to them.

Bill shut the door with his back, letting out a quiet sigh. He looked down at Dipper who had his face buried in Bill's chest.
As Bill brought both of them to the bathroom Dipper slowly moved his head from Bill's chest so he could see. His heart started to race when they entered the small bathroom.

Bill slowly took in a deep breath
"P-Dipper.. I need you to choose, do you think you can do a bath or shower"
"No!" He yelled, clutching onto Bill's shirt.
"Pine tree I'm trying to help you!"
"Why didn't you help me when he was dragging me down to the basement!" Dipper yelled back in response.
Bill stared at him wide-eyed.
"I'm sorry..."
"I'm sorry I left you alone! I'm sorry for what he did to you.. I- I- I-" a tear fell from his eye "I'm sorry I l-let him h-hurt you"
Dipper looked up at Bill with wide eyes. Bill was doing his best to keep his composer as tears freely fell from his eye.
"Its m-my fault.. I left you alone.. I- I broke o-our deal.. I d-didnt mean f-for you to g-get hurt" he sniffled "I j-just *hic* j-just *hic* j-" he gave up on finished as he broke down crying so much he could barely speak.
Dipper felt any anger he had towards Bill slowly subsiding as tears dripped on his face. Dip loosened his grip on Bill's shirt, lightly biting his lip.
Dipper waited till Bill calmed down a bit before quietly saying "shower.."
Bill tries to blink the tears out if his eye "w-what?"
Dipper glared at Bill's chest "you heard me.. d-dummy"
"O-okay..." Bill slowly set Dipper down so that he would be standing. As soon as Bill has completely let go Dipper grabbed onto his arm, using it for support. Bill helped Dipper into the shower. Dipper refused to let Bill take the coat off of him, insisting he does it himself. Dipper poked his head out from behind the shower curtain.
"What are you doing!" Dipper shouted, hiding behind the curtain again.
"You can barely stand in your own, I'm going to help you." Bill replied in a cocky tone
"No! You're not!" Dipper said a little too quickly
Bill sighed "Pinetree we both know you need help, dont bother denying it"
"w-well.. uhm.. i-if you're going to h-help put your clothes b-back on." Dipper said fidgeting with his hands
"I only took my shirt off.." Bill said in a confused tone
"P-put it back on!" He shouted
Bill sighed as loudly as he could "fine"

Bill spent over an hour in the shower with Dipper, struggling to help the stubborn smaller boy. Dipper refused to even look at Bill as the water made his clothes stick to his skin, outlining his fit body.

-time skip-

Bill knocks on the bathroom door "hey pinetree, you okay in there?"
Dipper grits his teeth "I'm fine Bill"
"You sure, its been taking you a while" Bill asks, sincere concern in his voice.
"I can get dressed by myself! I'm almost done so just hold your god damn horses!" Dipper yelled in a very annoyed tone.

A few minutes later Dipper came out of the bathroom wearing dark blue pajamas with light blue pinetrees and a light blush on his cheeks.
Bill whistled "wow and I thought he couldn't get any cuter"
"oh shit did I say that out loud" Bill cursed as he noticed Dipper's blush darken.
Dip nodded "y-you did.."
Bill face-palmed "..sorry"
Dipper just went to his bed and lied down, Bill started climbing into his own bed "Bill.." Dipper quietly called.
"Yeah pinetree?" Bill asked turning to face him.
"I- um.. I kinda.. d-don't really wanna be alone.." He stutters, avoiding eye contact.
Bill smiles softly and walks over to Dipper's bed "does that mean what I think it does pinetree?"
"just get in the bed.." Dip says quietly, scooting over as a blush spreads across his face.
Bill joins his pine tree with a quiet dreamy sigh. Dipper hesitantly reaches over and places his hand in Bill's. Bill looks over at Dipper who now had his eyes closed, a sweet smile hanging on his lips, and a dark blush on his cheeks. Bill's heart fluttered, the more he looked at Dipper the faster his heart would beat.


❥hope you liked the chapter
❥thank you guys for voting (and
❥commenting I love your comments)
❥thank you for reading
❥ps. the song is just what I listened towhile writing (usually is)

❥899 words

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