Chapter 15

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Dipper rocks himself back and forth, tears flowing down his face, he keeps whispering the same thing over and over.
"I shouldn't have came here"


Bill grabs Dipper's arm
"stop worrying! the party will be fun, trust me" he says as he practically drags Dipper out of the door. Dipper was shaking just thinking about the possibilities of what could happen at the 'fun' party.
Bill sighs "If you really don't like it we can leave"
"Really?" Dipper looks up at Bill, his big chocolate eyes filling with hope.
"one condition" Dipper lowers his head, his hope immediately lost.
"We have to be there for at least half an hour before you can say that 'you don't like it'" Bill smiles at his pouting pinetree. Bill ruffles Dipper's already messy hair and drags the pouty puss out to his car. Which not very surprisingly is yellow. Dipper climbs in the passenger side and just stares in awe at how nice it is. Bill slips into the driver's seat and smirks at Dipper's reaction. Dipper turns to Bill, his eyes wide and a huge smile on his face. Bill felt his heart skip a beat at he thought that he has never Dipper look so happy and adorable before.
"Bill you never told me you have a ferrari! Oh my god it is so cool! no offence but I never would have thought you to have one of these. Expecially for the inside to be so clean! Thepaintjoblooksreallynicetoo! Notasinglescratchordentinthecar, ithoughtthatsomeoneaswrecklessasyouwouldhavedamagedthecar...... eep!
I-I'm sorry I didn't mean t-to ramble"
Bill had been staring at Dipper while he rambled about his car with a smile on his face and his chin resting in his palm. Bill only snapped out of his trance when Dipper made a rather high pitched 'eep'.
Bill smiles "Don't worry pinetree, I don't mind it." under his breath he adds "Besides you look really cute when you ramble" Dipper quickly looks out the window, a huge blush spreading across his face both from embarrassment and from hearing the last thing Bill said.

-le time skip-

Bill quickly for out of his car and ran over to the passenger side, opening the door for Dipper. The act earning a huff and eye roll.
"Bill I can open doors myself" Dipper quietly growled
"I know but you're just so cute when you get upset" Dipper immediately kicks Bill in the shin after getting out
"S-stop being stupid" Dipper quickly walks away as his face once again becomes dark red.
"Pinetree wait for me!" Bill shouts, recovering from the attack and running after Dipper.
The two walk into the house hosting the party. Bill soon grabs Dipper's sleeve and drags him off into an unknown direction. Bill and Dipped enter a room full of people.
"Bill you made it!" A dude says with purple hair
Bill laughs "I wouldn't want to miss one of your parties!"
The purple hair guy looks at Dipper "...and who is this you brought with you?" Dipper notices a look of disgust the man gives him as Bill's gaze was turned away.
Bill smiles wide "This is pi- I mean Dipper! We share a dorm room"
"Oh.. Nice to meet you Dipper" the man spat out Dipper's name like it was the most disgusting thing he ever had on his tongue.
"a-and you are..?" Dipper stuttered, quickly putting his shaky hands into his pockets.
"Strange. Tadd Strange" he said gritting his teeth.
"Now that you both know each other.. You're playing drink or dare, right?" Bill asks with a bit too much enthusiasm for Dipper to feel comfortable with this game.
"Of course" Tadd replies with chuckle
"Great! We'll join you guys" Bill eagerly says, pushing Dipper to a couch.
"Bill I dont really want to play..." Dipper whispers, sitting with Bill on the couch.
Bill pulls out his puppy dog eye again "please play with us, Dipper"
Dipper crosses his arms "o-one round, that's it"
Bill quickly explains the game to Dipper. Basically it is like truth or dare but if you don't do the dare or you're caught lying you have to take a shot.
While everyone is playing Dipper stares at the alcohol bottle with a dull look in his eyes. He would've stayed like that for the whole game if it wasn't for Bill snapping his fingers in Dipper's face, calling his name.
"Dipper!" Bill shouts
Dipper blinks rapidly then turns his gaze to Bill "a-ah sorry.. I wasn't paying attention"

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