chapter 12

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Dipper did his best to ignore what had happened and the fact the Bill had seen him cry. Showing weakness like that only made him hate himself even more expecially since no matter how much he would dent it he started developing feelings for Bill. He already had a bad attitude towards his roommate but as he discovered his feelings he got worse, so much that Dipper punched Bill in the face just because Bill complimented him. Dipper hated these emotions, the tingly feeling he felt inside whenever he saw Bill just made him confused and upset, the stupid guy easily makes dipper flustered and when he gets that way he tends to insult said person (*cough Bill cough*) though there are less common instances where dipper will become more violent and hit and kick in response to Bill's flirting.
What really ticked Dipper off is that Bill thought that the best way to try and get him to talk about why he had been crying was to be flirty which only earned him either an insult or an injury. Normally you would think that after being smacked upside the head multiple times they would give up with flirting. Not Bill. No matter how many times Dipper hit, insulted, or cursed at him he would just give another flirty comeback.
Deep down Dipper liked it though, he liked the compliments and some of Bill's flirty comebacks though he would never admit it outloud expecially not to Bill's face. another part of him, one he would really rather ignore and leave to burn in a fire, already knew that the flirting is useless because the blonde had already stolen his cold heart.


❥i have absolutely no clue what I just
❥did with this chapter
❥hope you liked it anyway
❥thank you for being so patient
❥thank you for all votes

❥307 words

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