Chapter 6

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I sit in class jotting down everything the teacher says. Its my last class of the day and I quickly found out he is in half of my classes and for some reason unknown to me he decided to sit as close as possible to me in all of them. Luckily for me with him trying to make conversion I learned he has another class after this I'll get the whole dorm room to myself for a while. I can't help but smile as I think of this.
*short time skip*

Its not long until the class is almost over, the bell is about to ring and everyone is packing their stuff.

*another time skip cause Im lazy*

As soon as I walk in the dorm room a wave of relief hits me that he isn't here. I quickly put up my things and decide to make myself a snack. I go with the traditional combo of popcorn and TV. I walk into the bathroom and a tidal wave of depression hits me. I honestly can't help but feel a little shocked it didn't hit sooner. I start digging through my stuff, starting to panic as I struggle to find them.
Finally a wave of relief washes over me as I pull out my blades, I make my way over to the sink. I make three long, deep cuts on one wrist, then three more on the other. I quickly wash off the blades and put them back Don't want to make the mistake of leaving those out again I make my way over to my dresser and put on a red long sleeved shirt. Just in time too, as soon as I had finished putting the shirt on Bill loudly made his way into the room. I try to quietly make my way to my bed with my now-cold-popcorn and laptop but as soon as I sit down and open the device he comes out of nowhere and loudly says "Hey pinetree! What are you doing?" I was about to yell at him when it caught my attention "pinetree?" He smiled "yeah! Its a little nickname I made for you since you seem to have a lot of them on your stuff" I stared at him "like what.." "Like this!" He shouted as he pushed a blue and white trucker hat with a blue pinetree on the front of it onto my head "t-this isn't mine" "well now it is" he says, pushing the hat's bill down so I couldn't see and ran off.


❥I hope you liked the chapter
❥Thankyou for reading

❥439 words

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