Chapter 20 (end part 2)

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"why don't you just die you worthless piece of shit!"

Bill felt anger boil inside of him as he turned into the doorway. Stan had Dipper pinned to the ground, Dipper had the dullest look in his eyes Bill had ever seen as he looked up at his grunkle. "Pintree!" Bill yelled, earning the attention of both males in-front of him. Stan's demeanor completely changed when he saw Bill, he cleared his throat "Mason didn't tell us he was bringing a friend" Dipper took the chance to get back on his feet. "I heard yelling, is he finally here?" a feminine voice asked as foot steps tapped down the stairs, soon the brunette was standing at the bottom of the stairs, her eyes soon locked on Bill. She darted towards him "Hi, my name is Mabel. I'm Mason's adorable twin" she flips her hair and smiles "I'm sure he talks about me all the time" Dipper grits his teeth "stop calling me Mas-"Stan elbows him in the stomach, shutting him up as he clutches his stomach. Bill rubs his neck "actually.. Dipper hasn't talked about his family at all.." she sends a glare at dipper "oh" when she looked back at Bill she smiled widely "well it must just be that you're new friends and he didn't fell comfortable talking about use to you yet" Bill glanced at Dipper who was staring at him with another terrified look "yeah that must be it.." Mabel pretty much latched onto Bill's arm "If you want I'll give you a tour of the place" "no thanks" Mabel smirked, she placed a hand on Bill's cheek caressing it "How about I show you a good time instead" Bill looked at Dipper who was just staring at the floor "Sorry ..uh maple? but I am gay and your idea of a good time is not the same as mine." Bill said as he pushed her off of him. Mabel stomped her foot "My name is Mabel and that's not even a thing! You're just confused so let me help you!" Bill gave her a death glare "I am not confused. I assure you I am very much gay and I'm in love with your adorable brother so listen carefully. fuck. off." Mabel ran over to a shocked Stan, dramatically crying that Bill was wrong.

Bill grabbed Dipper's arm, pulling him away from the mess of a family he has, Bill leaned down to Dipper's ear, whispering "let's get out of here" Dipper nodded, grabbing Bill's hand "yeah, lets go" he whispered back

Stan only noticed the two leaving when they were already half way out the door "where the hell do you think you're going!?" Stan shouts, before turning to face Stan, Bill whispers to Dipper "cover your ears and close your eyes" he softly kisses his forehead "please pinetree" Bill then spun around and before anyone could process what was happening a loud gunshot rang out.

Stan dropped to the floor.

Blood puddled around his head.

Everyone stared in shock.

Everyone except Bill, who was now pointing a gun at Mabel, his face was expressionless and his eyes stone cold.

"Bill.. what are you-" Bill interrupted Dipper, grabbing dip's hand with his free one, "I'm saving you" he started with a bright loving smile, his expression quickly changing to a dark one "they won't accept us, the only way for you to be happy in to exterminate them" Bill pulled Dipper closer to his chest "When they're gone we can be happy together... don't you want to be with me pinetree?" Dipper stared up at Bill, he would be lying if he said that Bill's smile wasn't intoxicating. Dipper stood on his tiptoes, connecting their lips, while his hand made it's way over to the gun and the other one around Bill's neck. The two only breaking apart because of their stupid need for air. "Of course" Dipper said panting "I do."
Bill smiled brightly, completely handing the gun over to Dipper and leaned close to his ear "then pull the trigger" he said, his warm breath tickling Dipper's ear.
Mabel stared at Dipper with big puppy dog eyes "Mason please"

Dipper glanced at Mabel. He held the gun towards her firmly in both hands. He slowly took in a deep breath. He glanced back towards Bill. Pulling the trigger as he looked away.

Dipper quickly dropped the gun as soon as he heard her body thud onto the floor, burying his face in Bill's chest. Bill ruffled Dipper's curly hair, a huge smile on his face "I'm so proud of you pinetree!" he chuckled lightly "I wasn't very sure you would be able to go thought with it" Dipper let out a shaky breath "let's just go." he said quietly, taking Bill's hand into his.

"Stanley?" Dipper froze, squeezing Bill's hand tightly and slowly turning around.
"Uncle Ford" Dipper said in an almost inaudible voice. Ford looked at the scene before him with wide eyes "Dipper, what have you two done." He said in the most disappointed voice Dipper had ever heard.
"Uncle Ford I have to go, we have to go." Dipper corrected himself
He started to leave before turning back to say one last thing "please.. just forget about me, about us, and Ford."

"Don't save me"


The End


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