It's Starting

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Chapter 1: It's Starting

*Emma's POV*

The skies are grey. There's not one glimpse of happiness. The streets are empty, and it's pouring rain. I've got my hoodie on, covering my face for more than one reason. Firstly, I don't really want to get mobbed by fans and secondly, I don't want to get recognize by any paparazzi or people. I want to make this quick and easy.

All I need are a couple of things at the market. Anabel has been complaining for a while that there isn't enough human food in the fridge. I do agree with her, and since Niall is human, he eats food, not blood. So I'm pretty much doing this for him and my daughter, who sometimes likes to eat human food. I am a bit late though since she asked me this about a month ago? Has it already been a month? Has time gone by that fast?

I haven't seen my daughter since she left on that trip with her husband Ashton.. Luke and Eli have also been travelling...

I remember the first time I met Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael like it was yesterday. I was so scared that they were going to kill me or torture me, but it turned out to be the exact opposite. They became family.

I snap out of my thoughts as I see the automatic doors to the grocery store open. I quickly step inside and shake off the rain from my body, keeping the hood on my head. I walk forward and grab a basket. I go towards the fruits and veggies, picking up a bunch of them without really taking note of what I'm getting. You can say that I'm pretty rich. With my husbands being in one of the most famous bands in the music industry and all.

'Emma... Could you get me a few bags of chips?' I hear that familiar Irish accent in my head. We still have the bond, and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. It's not like I mind because I really don't at all. I actually like having a bond with him. That's how I know he's safe.

'Sure Niall. Anything else you'd like?' I go straight into the chip section and grab every single kind, since I too like chips, even if I'm a vampire.

'Oreo cookies! Um... Watermelon juice! That's some good stuff... Um.. Get those microwavable already made dinners.' I smile. He's so weird.

'Okay. I'll be home soon.' I walk to the dessert section and grab three boxes of Oreo cookies. Better to have more than to have less.

I walk around the store and end up in the frozen section. I grab a bunch of those microwavable meals, that it fills the basket to the top. Some of this stuff, looks really good. Too bad it doesn't help my hunger, when I'm hungry. Stupid Vampire cravings!

I look around, not seeing anything else that Niall or Anabel would like. I walk back to the front of the store, where the cash registers are. I go to the one nearest the exit. I put my basket on the counter, and look up to see that there's no one. There's also no one at the other cash registers. I decide to wait.

I look around me and notice that there isn't one person in this store. There hasn't been anyone in this store since I've walked in. It's completely empty. That's odd, why haven't I not noticed before?

I look down and see a magazine, with the boys on the cover. It looks kind of strange. I pick it up and read the headline. My eyes widen. I look at the cover more clearly and gasp. On the cover of the magazine are the boys with pale faces and with blood dripping down their faces. What the fuck!?

Rumours?... Or Vampires!?.. I quickly add it to my basket. I need to show the boys, this is really bad! I look around again, and still don't see any employees. If in 5 minutes, no one shows up, I'll just leave.

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