We're Getting Somewhere

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Chapter 18: We're Getting Somewhere

*Anabel's POV*

Will got Eli and I our own room. It's as dark as the rest of this ridiculous place. Eli hasn't spoken to me since the ceremony. I think he's pretty pissed off at me, but he doesn't understand that I had to do what I did. To go with the plan.

"Eli?" I try to talk to him, but he doesn't answer. He just sits back on the bed, looking at the wall. "Please Eli?" He doesn't look at me.

Okay. That's it. I flick my wrist and lock the door to the room. I push out a protection spell and a sound proof spell. All the walls are covered in the spells. I look back at Eli and he's staring at me.

"It's about damn time! Holy shit sis, what the bloody hell were you thinking!?" He yells at me. I smile at him, not caring that he's yelling. At least he's talking to me again.

"I had to! It's the only way!" He gets up and stops right in front of me. Our noses almost touching.

"No! You didn't have to do anything!" He says angrily.

"Yes I did! To finally get rid of him for good, I had to drink the Demon blood. Now I can kill him." He doesn't change his expression, while he stares at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He says calmly.

"Because I couldn't.. You know he would've heard." I say sadly, not liking that he's mad at me.

"I guess.. But now you're a Demon!" He puts his hands to his head, looking away from me and sighing, while pacing.

"Technically I'm not. I only have the blood in my system, which means I can do what they do but I'm not one." I explain. He turns around to look at me and stops pacing.

"Yeah.. Does it ware off?" He asks me and I nod.

"Yes it does. After a few days.. That's why Will told me to think about being a real Demon. I only have a few days to think about it." I sigh and sit down on the bed. "I don't have much time to kill him. I don't know how I will." I look down and Eli walks towards me. He sits down and puts a hand on mine.

"Maybe you're not meant to do this alone.." I look into his eyes, not understanding. Of course I'm meant to do this alone. Just me. No one else.

"No. It's me who's meant to kill Will. No one else. Me." He shakes his head.

"You're not thinking clearly sis... If you kill Will-"

"WHEN I kill Will." I interrupt him, emphasising on the word when. He sighs and continues.

"Yeah sure.. I don't have any doubts that you can do it, but.. When you kill him.. You're going to kill all the other Demons by yourself?" He asks. My eyes widen. I didn't think of that.. Shit.. Eli and I can't kill all of those Demons on our own, especially since he didn't drink the blood.

"You know I'm right." I nod and look down. What am I supposed to do?

"I saw mum and Niall earlier!" I suddenly realize.

"They're gone sis.." I furrow my eyebrows. "I saw them as well.. But they left. They had too because they almost got caught escaping."

"Where were they?" I ask wondering.

"They were in the weapon room. The Demons heard them and tried to capture them." Great.. Maybe I can contact one of them! To ask for help... Wait.. I can't do that. My power usage is limited. I can only hold on to two spells at a time. Why were they in the weapon room? Is there something in there that we can use? Maybe a weapon?

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