The Plan

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Chapter 19: The Plan

*Anabel's POV*

"So welcome to our first meeting." Will says proudly. Eli and I are currently sitting with Will and his assistant Melissa, in this scary dark room. This is the first time I see or meet Melissa. She seems very threatening and she keeps glaring at Eli. She has this mop of black hair on top of her head, with a random blue streak. Her eyes are the colour of the deepest red, with specks of black. I look at my brother and see him smirking. At least he's playing it cool.

"So... What's the plan?" Eli suddenly speaks up. Will looks over at him and smirks.

"Right. Let's talk about my plan." Will stands up and starts pacing. He suddenly stops and looks at Eli and I. "Alright, so we're going to show up at Gabrielle's kingdom. Some will be blocking every single exit. We know them all. The rest will be attacking and killing the vampires with our wooden weapons." He looks at Melissa.

"Now, the four of us and a couple of our best Demons, will be going after the others at their safe house, which we know the location of. Emma and her family are there. When we get rid of them, everything will be much easier from then on." He says dramatically. I notice that he seems to be more on edge and yet happier than usual.

I still can't understand why he looks exactly like my father. There's no difference in their appearance, except for their eyes and his now dyed black hair. He even let it grow out like Daddy.

"Do we have to kill them?" Eli asks. I notice Melissa quickly glaring at him.

"Of course you'd ask that. And yes. We do." Will answers. I can feel Eli getting uncomfortable. I ignore this plan, since I have one of my own. And we will succeed.

"And yeah.. That's pretty much it." Will smiles. Melissa gets up from her seat and I immediately do the same. Eli follows suit and we look at each other. He winks at me and I smile.

"Let's do this." I look over at Will and he beams.

"Yes. Let's."

*Emma's POV*

"So we split up." Jade has been planning all this out since Luke told us Anabel's plan. She told us that they were going to split up the Demons everywhere to get rid of all the Vampires.

"You can tell the future right?" Ashton interjects. She looks over at him and nods.

"So do we win or lose?" Michael asks. We all look over at her and she shrugs.

"I don't know. I can't tell. It's undecided." She tells us. I frown and look over at my husbands. They're both looking at me already and walk closer. Louis wraps his arms around me as Liam takes a hold of my hand and squeezes it tight.

'We're going to win obviously.' Niall thinks to himself. I look over at him as he's walking towards Jade.

"Who's going where?" Luke and Niall stand next to Jade, who's holding a paper. She snaps out of her daze and looks down at the paper.

"Well.. I don't know if you guys would agree but.. I had in mind that Michael, Calum, and Paul lead the vampires on the back side of the castle and Gabrielle, Dante, I'd like you to lead the other half of the vampires at the front." Jade looks up at the them and they seem to agree. She nods and looks over at the girls.

"Victoria, Elysabeth, Catherine and Sabrina.. I want you guys to protect this house from the inside. Zayn, Harry, Liam and Louis, you guys protect the house from the outside." Louis suddenly lets go of me and shakes his head. Liam looks at me with worry.

"I can't leave Emma on her own!" Louis starts to get angry.

"She won't be alone Louis.. She'll be with me, Niall, Luke and Ashton." Jade points out. "They'll be the ones to kill Will and rescue Anabel and Eli."

"Yeah but.. What if something happens?" Louis looks over at me and I'm about to answer but Niall beats me to it.

"Louis. I promise you. I won't let anything happen to her." Niall walks up to Louis and Liam. They seem to have a silent conversation, even if Niall can't speak to them by mind. Liam and Louis look at each other and nod.

"Take care of her." Liam says.

"Not even a scratch. Got it Horan?" Louis smiles at him and Niall nods.

"I promise." He hugs them both. I smile and look at Jade. She only stares at me and then looks away. I furrow my eyebrows and she puts on a fake smile.

"Is everyone in agreement with this plan?" We all nod and she nods.

"Alright. Let's go." I look over at Louis and Liam. They look over at me at the same time and I run into their open arms. I give them the biggest hug I can give them. It soon ends.

"Go kill that son of a bitch." Liam says with full of venom. He kisses the top of my head and walks off to the direction of Zayn and Harry. I look back at Louis and he stares at me with full of love.

"I love you to the moon and back. More than there's stars in the sky." He comes closer to me, putting his hands on my waist. I look up at his beautiful blue eyes.

"And I love you more than that. There's no words to describe." He gives me a smile and crashes his lips to mine for a passionate kiss. The butterflies erupt in my stomach, even after these past couple of years.

"Be careful alright?" He says seriously.

"I will." He nods and steals another kiss then walks towards Liam, Zayn and Harry. I turn around to see Niall, Jade, Luke and Ashton, waiting for me.

"You ready to go?" Jade asks and I nod.

"Finally going to get rid of this bloody nightmare."

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