How Do We Destroy Will?

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Chapter 15: How Do We Destroy Will?

*Emma's POV*

'It's quite dark.' I think to myself.. Obviously not to myself since Niall can hear me. He's sitting right beside me.

After Will's men escorted us out of the 'safe' house, they brought us to their headquarters or lair? I don't quite know what they call it these days.

'What do you think is going to happen?' Niall places a hand on top of mine. I shrug and try to look around the dark room. I can't see a thing. I don't even know where we are exactly.

'To be honest Niall... I have no clue.' I sigh and rest my head against the wall we're sitting against. Will never really explained why he wanted me. He only took Niall with me because he told him to. What is the purpose of him having the both of us? He doesn't know we have the power...

'Why did Gabrielle betray us like that?' Niall asks.

'I... What if she didn't betray us?' I sit up, suddenly getting an idea.

'Then what do you call what she did to us?'

'She kept talking about that plan of hers.. What if this is part of her plan? What if we're meant to be here... To destroy Will, without him noticing!?' I could feel Niall's mind swarming into a million questions and realization.

'That's.. Actually a good idea... But how can we destroy him?'

'With our power!' I stand up, but quickly falling back down. I pull on my arm and notice that Niall and I's wrist, are chained together with vervain.. That's why my wrist is burning. Right.. Now I remember.. They had chained us before putting us in here.

'Right.. Totally forgot we had that..' I sigh, just now realising the pain.

'Can you do something about this burning sensation on our wrists? It really hurts.' Niall winces in pain. I quickly nod and close my eyes, accessing the super strength I had procured from one of the Vampire's we trained with. I pull on the chains, which cause them to break in two. I grab the cuff from my wrist and break it off, while burning my hands in the process. I do the same for Niall and we're free. Our burns quickly heal, due to the super strength.

'Let's find Anabel and Eli first.' I think to Niall. He takes a hold of my hand and we stand up. Niall tries to feel his way out of here, while he holds onto my hand. I procure a small ball of fire in my other hand and look around the room. 'There's the door!' I point to a door at the far end of the room.

Niall and I quickly make our way to the door. Niall grabs the doorknob and it doesn't budge. I roll my eyes and an idea comes to mind. I close my eyes once again and push the power of unlocking doors out from my finger tips. The door suddenly clicks and Niall opens it. I'm so glad we had the time to borrow pretty much the whole kingdoms powers. It's like we can do anything and everything.

'We're so cool.' Niall giggles in his mind. I smile and we look around the open door.

I close my hand, putting out the fire from my palm. The room is a bit brighter here. Niall doesn't let go of my hand, which I'm grateful for. It makes me feel safe, but also feel stronger.

We walk down the long hallway, reaching a staircase, which we quietly descend. Niall suddenly stops on the forth step.

'Use the power of tracking. Check where they could be!' Niall suggests. I nod and close my eyes again. I think of my kids and I quickly open my eyes, sensing them.

'They're down the stairs, to the left.. Down the hall and the third door on the right.' We quickly continue down the stairs, and get to the bottom. We turn to the left and see another long hallway, but Niall and I both know which door they're behind. We go to the third one on the right and stop.

'I think we should listen in? Or maybe see in?' Niall smirks and I know exactly what he's thinking. I put my hand against the door and suddenly a hole forms for us to see inside. The beauty about this power, is that the people on the other side, can't see us.

The first thing we see are a bunch of bulky men standing around the room in a circle. Will is standing in the middle of the room, staring at something or rather someone on the ground. Anabel. My eyes widen as I watch her drink something out of a fancy looking cup. As she finishes, she hands Will the cup and rises. She's dressed in all black, and looks like she just got a makeover or something. Her lips are painted a dark red, and her eye lids are covered in dark makeup. She smirks at Will who just finished saying whatever he was saying, since I wasn't paying attention.

'Oh gosh... Anabel..' Niall thinks, not believing his eyes.

'Did she just..'

'I hope she didn't..' I watch as she hugs the man, that almost killed Ashton and I.

'I think she did..' Niall looks over at me, and I can't tear my eyes from the scene in front of me.

"Anabel is officially one of us now!" Will says out loud. Everyone in the room smiles and claps once. "We can now officially start the war." Their faces turn to smirks and grins as they all disappear into thin air. Into the shadows. Into the darkness.

'Emma... Turn us invisible.' I agree with Niall and close my eyes. I think of us being invisible and then open them. We're both invisible, as I continue to watch Anabel talking with Will.

"When the war is over my love, we can get rid of the other Demons. We'll start our own army and rule the world." He says dramatically.

"Sounds perfect. The only question is, will you agree with my brother's proposal?" My eyebrows furrow as she speaks. Will looks over at Eli, who I didn't notice was sitting on a chair at the far end of the room. He doesn't look too happy, but he has no expression on his face.

"I will. But he's going to have change into a Demon one day." Will explains to her. She looks over at Eli and nods.

"Yes.. Of course." She agrees. How can she be agreeing with him? What is going on!?

"Alright. Just checking to see that we're still on the same page." He smirks and takes a hold of her hand. He laces his fingers with hers and looks over at Eli.

"Are you ready to prove to me that you're loyal? Mr. Tomlinson-Payne." Will and Anabel both turn towards him. I notice though that Anabel looks over at the door we're behind and blinks. Does she know we're standing here?

'Can she see us?' Niall asks in his mind and I shrug, still staring at the scene in front of me.

"I'm ready to show you that I am." My eyes bulge out of my sockets as I hear Eli say those words. What are they doing!? Are they under some kind of spell? Why are they agreeing with Will!?

"Just you wait and see."

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