The War Of The Century

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Chapter 21: The War Of The Century

*Emma's POV*

We get to the building where Anabel and Eli are. Where Will is. Jade, Luke and Ashton, are following behind us as we sneak inside by the back exit.

"So Anabel said that there would be a few Demons near the exit. I have this stick thing that traps them." Ashton holds up this stick thing that Gabrielle gave to us. I duplicated one for each group. I hope they'll be okay with just one stick per group.. Maybe I should have made more!

'You couldn't Emma! Don't worry. Everyone will be fine.' Niall assures me.

I just don't understand how she got it, since she didn't tell us. She seems to have a lot of secrets..

"Okay. We'll go first, so you can trap them after we keep them busy." Niall tells Ashton and he nods.

We walk forward to the back exit door. I go first by putting my hand on the handle.

'Emma?' Niall suddenly thinks to me.

'What's wrong?' I ask, waiting to open the door.

'What if I tried to take the Demons powers of being a Demon? Maybe we'll be able to gain their abilities, which would kill them? For good.' My eyes widen and I look over at him.

"What's going on?" Luke asks, noticing our faces.

"Niall just came up with a good idea that I'd like to try out.." I smirk and Jade nods. If Niall can take the Demons powers of being a Demon, maybe just maybe I'll be able to kill them.

"You should. Give it a try right now." She nods to the door. I turn around to look at it.

'I think it might work.' I smile at Niall agreeing with him. I go first and take a hold of the door handle. I look back at Luke, Jade, Ashton and Niall. They all look ready. Luke has fire in his hands, Jade has ice in hers and Ashton has the stick in his hands, ready to use it.

I look back at the door and rip it open.

*Michael's POV*

I stand in front of the crowd of vampires waiting for the Demons to come in. Paul is on my right and Calum is on my left. I have the magical stick in hand, ready to use.

The sky suddenly turns a deeper grey than before, making everything seem depressing. Making it look like the scenery is losing it's colour. I stare straight ahead and take a deep breath. We can do this. We can kill them. We will win.

My ears suddenly detect a noise coming from the front. I stare at the darkness and a Demon pops out of nowhere. It seems to go by so fast, I don't even have time to attack. I put my hands up in the air in defence, when a flash of electricity fly's out from the side of my head, knocking the demon down. I take the opportunity to trap the Demon.

"Surprise." I say while touching it with the stick, trapping it in an invisible box. A girl half my size steps up next to me. I look down at her and she looks up at me.

"I think I'm better in the front." She says and I nod, agreeing.

"Is there any one else who has powers in the group?" I whisper to her and she nods.

"Can you get them to come to the front?" As soon as I say that, a flock of Demons come barging in from the exit door. She quickly runs to get the others, while I turn back to attack. We can do this. We can do this...

*Harry's POV*

The ground is shaking, as the Demons charge towards us. I put my fist up in the air. I look to my left to see Zayn doing the same. I look to my right at Liam who has the stick high up in the air. Louis looks over at me and he nods, giving us the signal. I turn to look back at the Demons, who are much closer now than they were before. The sky is getting darker and darker.

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