Life Is Better With You

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Chapter 24: Life Is Better With You

*Emma's POV*

My body is shaking. Tears are still falling down my face. I don't know if Luke will be able to bring him back. All I feel is anger and heartache. Eli... My son. He can't be dead. He just can't! Louis takes a hold of my hand and squeezes it tight. I don't look at him.

Liam wraps an arm around my waist. I don't budge. The only thing I do. Is stare at the closed door. Where Eli is with Luke.

'Emma..' Niall thinks to me. I stare blankly at the door, not answering or thinking.

'He'll be alright Emma. I feel it. Luke will bring him back.' I turn around to look at my best friend. Liam and Louis let go of me as I walk towards Niall.

"Usually when I say something will happen.. It usually does. Think positive. He's going to be alright." He tells me. More tears stream down my face as I say, "that little bitch ripped his heart right out of his chest. It handed it to that fucking bastard and I watched him rip his heart in three pieces." I break down, and Liam quickly catches me from behind.

I cry and cry my eyes out, whimpering and shaking in Liam's arms. I feel another pair of arms around me. Louis. He kisses the top of my head and sniffs back his tears. Louis must be feeling so bad right now. He found out that Will was his twin brother and then he lied to him that Eli wasn't his son, when he truly is. Liam.. He must be feeling both of our pains right now, including his own. This is way too much pain to bare.

"Mum?" I sniff back my tears as I look up to see Eli, standing in front of me, hand in hand with Luke. My eyes widen, as Louis and Liam help me up. I can't believe my eyes. My son. Alive!

"ELI!" I crush him into a huge hug. As I'm about to squeeze him tight, Luke puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Emma! Not so hard. He's human." What!? I quickly let go of my son to see him half smiling.

"Ow." He chuckles and I can't help but let out tears of joy. My son is alive.

"Why is he a human?" Anabel asks. I look at my daughter who has a tear stained face, holding onto Ashton's arm. She looks up at me and let's go of Ashton. She grabs Eli and I gently by the shoulder.

"It was the only way to save him.. I had to give him half of my heart, so we're both human now." Luke says, still holding onto Eli's hand.

"No way!" Ashton gasps as Anabel looks at her brother.

"You don't have your powers anymore..." I notice Luke lowering his head and Eli turns around to look at him.

"Don't beat yourself up like that my love. You saved me! And besides, I could probably learn to use yours and make us stronger." He winks at him as I notice Luke blushing. I furrow my eyebrows. Why is Eli acting all lovey dovey with Luke?

"No way! Oh my gosh Eli! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" Anabel yells out in happiness as she jumps on her brother. He laughs and wraps his arms around her. I stare at him in confusion.

"Congrats for what?" Ashton asks, eyeing Luke in confusion. I look at Luke who's blushing big time.

"Eli found his soul mate." Anabel pats Luke on the back. I suddenly realize.. Luke is Eli's soul mate. A smile creeps on my face as my son looks at me. He blushes and suddenly Louis ruffles his hair.

"I'm so happy for you son." Eli turns around to look at his father. He wraps his arms around Louis, to give him a hug.

"Thank you." He says to him. Liam stands behind Louis and rubs Eli's back.

"I'm so glad you're back!" He says as Eli hugs him. Liam has one hand behind Eli's head and the other around his waist.

"I love you son." I smile as my two husbands hug Eli.

"I love you too!" He says happily.

*A Few Weeks Later*

"MOVIE NIGHT!" I yell out in excitement. I'm already sitting on the couch as I hear running footsteps coming from up the stairs. In seconds Anabel is sitting on my left, and Liam on her other side. I turn around to see Louis walking down the stairs in normal human speed, with Eli.

"What movie are we watching!?" Eli smiles in excitement as he walks down the stairs.

"I have no idea. That's why you're picking!" I smile at him as he sits down next to me on the couch. Louis sits on his other side, as we look through the movies on the screen.

We finally pick a good one to watch. Eli is holding a bag of chips, while Anabel, Louis and Liam drink out of blood bags. I steal chips once in a while from Eli's bag and finally feel happy. I have my family with me on a regular Friday evening, watching a movie.

I think we've finally passed by all the terrible things. There can't possibly be anything that can ruin this moment.

Ding Dong....

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