It's According To Plan

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Chapter 14: It's According To Plan

*Emma's POV*

"What do you want!?" I say with venom. He only laughs and walks closer to Niall and I.

"I think I've said this before my sweet... I want you." A sudden thunder strikes outside, which makes me jump. I roll my eyes as I see him smirk.

"Fine. You want me? Take me! Just let everyone, including my kids go!" I say rather loudly. Niall shakes his head.

'Emma.. What are you doing!?'

'Niall.. Trust me on this...'

'I'm not letting you sacrifice yourself for everyone else, if he takes you, he takes me two!'

"And me." Niall says out loud. I turn to look at him and shake my head.

"No!" Niall turns to look at me and gives me a warning glance.

'You need me.' I continue to stare at him and then look back at Will who seems to be debating it.

"Hmm.. Fine. I'll let everyone go, just as long as the both of you come with me and cooperate." He says in a commanding tone.

"We will." Niall answers. Will grins and nods, looking over at everyone else.

"Let them go. Take Emma and Niall here to the lair. I'll be with you shortly." He commands his Demon friends, who let go of the Vampires and walk towards us. They grab a hold of my arms and drag us out of the building, by fading into the darkness.

*Louis' POV*

What the hell is taking them so long? Where are the others? I look at my family and see their worried faces, looking around. I look at Liam who seems on edge. He see's me staring and his face relaxes suddenly.

"Do you think she's alright?" I ask him. He shrugs and looks down.

"Of course she is..." He doesn't even sound convinced. I frown and look at the staircase. C'mon Emma..

Running footsteps are suddenly heard and I see 7 figures emerge from the darkness. Destiny, Kayleigh, Sarah, Fausto, Silvina, Dante and Gabrielle stand at the end of the staircase. Everyone looks pissed off and confused, except for Gabrielle. Where's Emma and Niall?

"You better start explaining yourself or I swear to god I'm going to fly you up so high in the air and just drop you on extra pointy wood fences!" Destiny screams at Gabrielle who seems relaxed. What did she do?

"Where's Emma?" I walk towards the group. Everyone else follows me. Gabrielle looks up and bites her lip.

"Before you guys kill me or attack me, let me explain." My eyes widen and I grab Gabrielle by the collar and smash her against the wall. Everyone stands around us, as I glare at her.

"What the fuck did you do!?" I spit in her face. She winces and looks at me straight in the eye.

"The plan. This is another part of the plan..." She says and I tighten my grip.

"What did you do!?" I scream as she shuts her eyes.

"I gave her to Will..." I smash her once again as she screams in pain.

"WHAT!?" I scream. No one is stopping me. I can see at the corner of my eye that they're all pretty much sending death glares her way.

"Niall and Emma have the power! They can get rid of the darkness and kill the evil. They'll end all suffering!" She yells, trying to get free of my death grip. I stare at her, not understanding. How can they do that? I know they have Illusion Burrowing, but how will that kill them!? "I had to make it look like I was on Will's side, so that the two of them would give themselves up.."

"That makes no damn sense!" I say loudly.

"How the fuck is putting Niall and Emma in danger helping?" Liam joins in.

"By putting them in that situation, they'll be able to destroy them! All they have to do is figure out one thing.."

"WHICH IS!?" I scream at her and she only flinches.

"Only one person will figure that out. It might not even be Niall or Emma.. It could be Anabel and Eli as well.." I slam her once more as I stare at her in disbelief. What the hell is she even talking about!?

"So.. You know where Anabel and Eli are.. Don't you?" Ashton asks, getting closer. She looks down and only nods. My eyes widen and I can't help myself. I'm about to punch her face in, when someone beats me to it. I look and see Sabrina's fist collide into Gabrielle's face. I look at her as she fumes.

"You little-"

"Hey! I'm only doing this to protect all of you! So far everything has been going according to plan, it should work 'till the end. Don't take it out on me!" She spits out blood from her mouth and I let go of her.

"Where are they!?" Luke stands above her, staring her down.

"They're at his lair."

*Eli's POV*

"I have a plan." Anabel suddenly says. I jump up at the sudden noise. We've been quiet for quite some time now, and all I can see is darkness.

"What is it?" I clear my throat.

"I'll join Will..." My eyes widen and I try to feel for her hand.

"What!? No! That won't solve anything!" I say loudly.

"Yes. It will. Just trust me. I know what I'm doing." The tone she's using, I've heard it before. She has a plan, and she's sure that it'll work. With or without my permission, she'll go through with it.

"Fine." I know there's nothing I can do, to change her mind.

The door to the room suddenly opens, blinding me. I blink a few times and finally see Will standing there. He lights a torch on fire, which lights up the room. He walks towards Anabel, but not before smirking at me. I sigh in frustration.

"Hello beautiful... So, I gave you a few hours to think about joining me.. I'm assuming you've made a decision?" I try to move, to get a look at my sister, but I can't.

"Yes. I've decided to join you." She says without hesitation, I can see his face and he seems to be very pleased. He actually smiles and nods.

"I'm really glad to hear that. Cut her lose!" He says, walking towards me. He looks down at me and raises an eyebrow. "And you? What have you decided?" I look down and then back up at my sister, who stands next to him. I gulp and sit up straight.

"I'll join you." I say and he nods in satisfaction.

"Great! I'm so happy to hear this!" He signals the guy to cut me lose. As soon as he's done, Will holds out a hand for me. I take it and stand up. "Welcome to the 'We Rule The World' team. I just made that up by the way. We can work on it later." He grins and escorts us out the room, into a barely lit room.

"Let's start on the planning." He smirks.

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