Chapter 14

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After Dusk Shine admitted that he was responsible for Prince Solaris's death, everypony gasped in horror. Even Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle stared in shock as Dusk Shine's mother went up to him, and said "It's not true! Tell me, it's not true!" Dusk Shine nodded somberly, and said "It's true." "You see?" Prince Artemis asked. "He admits it! Murderer!" "No! It was an accident!" Dusk Shine said. "If it weren't for you, Prince Solaris would still be alive!" Prince Artemis said. "It's your fault he's dead! Do you deny it?" "No." Dusk Shine said. "Then, you're guilty!" Prince Artemis said as he and the siren ponies advanced on Dusk Shine threateningly. "No, I'm not a murderer!" Dusk Shine said as he back away, and a storm started brewing. "Oh, Dusk Shine, you're in trouble again." Prince Artemis said. "But this time, daddy isn't here to save you! And now, everypony knows why!" Dusk Shine slipped over the edge where the hole was, and he quickly held on as Twilight Sparkle said "Dusk Shine!" Lightning struck the ground, and the fire began to spread as Dusk Shine held on, and Prince Artemis said "Now this looks familar. Hmm. Where have I seen this before? Let me think. Hmmm. Hmmm. Oh yes, I remember. This is just the way your father looked before he died." Dusk Shine slipped, but Prince Artemis caught him the same way he caught his brother, and said "And here's my little secret." He leaned towards his nephew's ear, and whispered out "I killed Prince Solaris."

Just then, the memory ran through Dusk Shine's head as his younger self said "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He then jumped up with all his might, and tackled his uncle to the ground as he said "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MURDERER!" As everypony gasped, Prince Artemis said "No, Dusk Shine, please!" "Tell them the truth!" Dusk Shine said as blood boiled with anger. "Truth?" Prince Artemis asked. "But the truth is in the eye of the behold-!" He stopped talking when he felt Dusk Shine pressing his hoof against his throat, and started choking him. He finally had enough as he said "All right! All right! I did it." "So they can hear you." Dusk Shine said coldly. "I killed Prince Solaris!" Twilight Sparkle charged at Prince Artemis in anger as the siren ponies tackled Dusk Shine. Then, everypony jumped in, and fought against the siren ponies. Rainbow Blitz and Bubble Berry came charging into the battle as they yelled. They pushed through the siren ponies as Rainbow Blitz said "Excuse me! Pardon me!Coming through! Hot stuff!"

Dusk Shine fought against the siren ponies with all their might, but a few of them managed to overpower him. Just when he was about to be finished, Zecora arrived on the scene, and wacked one of the siren ponies on the head with her stick. She let out a battle cry, and jumped in on them. They tried to attack Zecora, but she overpowered them as Dusk Shine, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, and other ponies fought against them. In the castle, Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze was chasing Rainbow Blitz who was running away from them. He ran into the throne room as Spike looked on from his cage, and said "Let me out! Let me out!" "Let me in! Let me in!" Rainbow Blitz said as he managed to get into the cage. They held onto each other as Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze looked down at them, and chuckled sinsiterly. "PLEASE don't eat me!" Rainbow Blitz said in a pleading tone. "Drop them!" A voice said. Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze looked behind them to see Bubble Berry glaring at them as Aria Blaze said "Hey! Who's the pony?" "Are you talking to me?" Bubble Berry asked. "Uh oh. They called him a pony." Rainbow Blitz said. "Are you talking to me?!" Bubble Berry asked as he started getting angry. "Shouldn't have done that." Rainbow Blitz said. "ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?!?!" Bubble Berry asked as he yelled even louder. Rainbow Blitz rolled his eyes, and said "Now they're in for it." "They call me MISTER BERRY!" Bubble Berry said. He then let out a battle cry as he charged at the two siren ponies. They became terrified as Adagio Dazzle thought "Oh..." "Bugger!" Aria Blaze thought finishing the sentence. Sonata Dusk watched the fight from a distance as she narrowly dodged the objects flying in the air. Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze screamed as they ran, and crashed into Sonata Dusk. They screamed as they ran while Rainbow Blitz, Bubble Berry, and Spike cheered for their victory.

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