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Hello, you are Y/N and you are 20 years old. You just finished High School and got a scholarship to study at a university in Seoul. You went there with your best friend named Brooke. You have been friends since you were little.This is now your new life.

Y/N: *yawns,checks your phone*(SHIT!I'm going to be late!!)

You rushed out of your room and hurried to the bathroom. After you took a shower, you hurried back to your room and got dress. You stormed out of your house without taking any breakfast and hurried to the airport.     
-At The Airport-

When you arrived at the airport, you found your friend waiting for you at the gate to the plane.


rooke: "Hey what took you so long? You know that we have a plane to catch."

You breath heavily and tried to tell her the reason.

Y/N: "Sorry. I forgo-"
Your friend cut you off.

Brooke: "We can talk later,we need to get into the plane now."

-In The Plane-

You and your friend got into the plane in time and found your seat.

Y/N: "I'm really really sorry that I didn't arrived on time. I forgot to set my alarm last night."
Brooke: "It's ok, the most important thing is that we got on the plane together."
You felt relieved that she didn't get mad at you. After a few hours, you and your friend finally arrived in Seoul. You and Brooke dropped off from your plane and went to pick up your luggage.

Y/N: "Hmm where is it?" While you were searching for your luggage, someone accidentally bumped into you.

Y/N: "Hey! Watch where your going!"
???: Oh, I'm sorry it was an accident.
You look a bit angry and Brooke noticed it. Brooke put her hand on your shoulder and shook her head. You know    
what she meant, so you just ignore him and went out of the airport. When you and your friend were on the way to
the university, you started to realize that the guy who bumped you looks and sounds familiar. You have been
wondering who he is until you've arrived at the university.

Y/N: *gasp* "Wow,this place is so big!" Brooke smiled when she saw you smiling.
Brooke: "Lets go find our dorm."
Y/N: "Yeah, lets go!"

While you were searching for your dorm, you couldn't stop bragging about how excited you are to Brooke.

Brooke: "Ah, look we have found our dorm. Let's settled in."

You just nod your head and went into your dorm. You both took a shower and went to bed. You feel really
excited tomorrow at your new school. You hope that everything will be fine.


Well that's the end of chapter one. I hope you like it because this is my first story. Please vote for my story and keep reading my fanfic. I'll make the next chapter soon. THANK YOU FOR READING!!❤️❤️

To be continued...

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