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You enter the room and saw the members talking to someone that looks familiar. J Hope notices you from across the room and called you to come over.

J Hope: Hey Y/N, come here. I want to introduce you to someone.
Y/N: Coming!

You walk towards the group and realize that Jimin's cheeks are still burning red. You giggled quietly so they wouldn't notice.

All: Hi Y/N!
Y/N: Hi everyone!
Rap Monster: I'm glad that you could make it to our concert.
Y/N: Yeah, me too.
Rap Monster: I want you to meet our producer, Bang Shin Hyuk.
Y/N: Nice to meet you Mr. Hyuk.
Bang Hyuk: Nice to meet you too and please call me Bang Hyuk.
Y/n: I'm Y/N.
Bang Hyuk: I know, the boys told me a lot about you. Especially Jimin, he really likes to talk about you.
Y/N: O-Oh, hehe. /// , ///
Bang Hyuk: Don't let that guy make you turn red.
Y/N: I-I won't.
Jungkook: Speaking of red, Jiminie hyung why are your cheeks red?
Jimin: What? I-It's just makeup.
Jungkook: Sure.

Jimin was looking at you during your whole conversation with Bang Hyuk. After the conversation ended,you wish them good luck and went out to find your VIP seat that Bang Hyuk reserved for you.


The concert started after a few minutes and the boys took their places on the stage and started performing. It took a few hours to reach the grand final.

BTS: Hello ARMY!!
V: Did you all had fun?
ARMY: Yes!
J Hope: Well that's good but sadly our concert is about to end. So, we prepared something for you.
Suga: As you can see, I'm holding a box full of papers. Each paper has your phone number written on it.
Jim in: We will only call three numbers. If your phone is ringing, please come up to the stage. You will receive a gift from us.

You didn't really hear it clearly because it was too noisy. You saw Jimin pull out a paper and starts to type something on his phone. Suddenly, your phone started to ring and panicked.

Y/N: (Huh? What the?)
Jimin: Whose phone is ringing?
Y/N: (WHAT?! How did he get my num-)

You then remember that Bang Hyuk asked you for your number before you leave backstage. ARMYs started to chanted and point towards you.

Jimin: There she is. Please come up to the stage.

You refuse to get up when an ARMY pulled you up and carefully pull you to the stage. You got up stage feeling a bit nervous in front of everyone.

Rap Monster: Congratulation on being our lucky ARMY.
Jimin: This is for you.
Y/N: Thank you.

He gave you a bouquet and there's a card in it.

Jimin: Read the card after the concert when you're alone, ok?
Y/N: Ok, but couldn't you just tell me by yourself?
Jimin: Just read the card later.
Y/N: Ugh, fine!

After all three numbers are called, the concert ended. The boys said goodbye to the ARMYs and left the stage. Before you went home, you remember about the card that Jimin gave you and started to read it.

Card: "Come backstage and wait there"
Y/N: Guess I have to go backstage. Again.

You sigh and went backstage. As you enter, you saw Jin. He looks like he was waiting for you so you walk towards him.

Y/N: Hey Jin.
Jin: There you are.
Y/N: Why did you guys want to meet me?
Jin: Did you already forget our plans?
Y/N: Huh?
Jin: Just follow me to the others.

You nod your head and follow Jin outside. Outside, you saw the others in front of a big van waiting for you and Jin.

Rap Monster: Are we ready to go?
Jin: But first, remind Y/N where we are going. She forgot about it.
Jimin: Hahaha. We are going for dinner Y/N.
Y/N: Oh! I just remembered. Sorry.
Jungkook: It's ok. Now let's go eat!

You all laughed and went into the van. You were surprise that Jin was a really good driver.


It took around 30 minutes to reach our destination. When we arrived, we all get out of the van and your jaw dropped as soon as you saw the restaurant.

Y/N: *gasp* Wow, this place is so big!
Suga: Heh, my mom did a pretty good job.
Y/N: Mom?
Suga: I forgot to mention that this restaurant belongs to my mother.
Y/N: Woo, you're mother sounds really amazing.
Suga: She is.

Jimin was jealous when he saw how impressed you were about Suga's mom. As you walk towards the entrance, you heard someone call out your name from behind. You all turned around and saw Brooke.

Brooke: Y/N!
Y/N: Brooke!

You ran to her as soon as you see her and give her a tight hug.

Brooke: Y-Y/N, I c-can't breath.
Y/N: Oh! S-Sorry.
Brooke: You hugged me like you've never seen me for years.
Y/N: Hehe, I'm just glad that you could make it.

You both stopped hugging and you introduce Brooke to Bang Hyuk.

Bang Hyuk: It's a pleasure to meet you Brooke.
Brooke: It's a pleasure for me too.
Jungkook: Hi Brooke!
Brooke: Hi Kookie!
Jungkook: Did you just call me Kookie?
Brooke: Y-Yeah, are you uncomfortable?
Jungkook: No! It's ok, you can call me Kookie if you want.
Brooke: Ok Kookie. ;)
Suga: Can we go in now? I'm tired of standing!

You all laughed and went into the restaurant. You were forced to sit next to Jimin, so you forced Brooke to sit next to Jungkook. After we all sat down a waiter came to give us our menu.

Suga: I'll order us something that will blow your mind. So you guys don't have to order but you can order your drinks.

While we were talking, a beautiful woman came to our table.

???: Hello. I guess you have bring your friends.
Suga: Hello mom. Everyone, this is my mom, Mrs Min.
Mrs Min: Hello everyone.
All: Hello!

Suga ordered the food for us. After a few minutes, the food came and we all dig in our food. Suga was right, the food did blow our minds. After a few hours of eating and talking, we decided to go back home.

Bang Hyuk: It was really fun having dinner with you girls.
Y/N: Yeah, it was.
Bang Hyuk: I'm sorry that we couldn't give you a ride back home. But I'll make it up to you girls soon.
Its ok. As long as I have Brooke, then I'm fine.

We then said our goodbyes. Jimin was looking at you like he wanted to say something.

Rap Monster: Yo Jimin, you coming?
Jimin: Y-Yeah.

You felt a bit worried for him but you just keep it to yourself. You and Brooke walked back to your dorm.


When you arrived, you quickly took a shower and lay on your bed because you were to exhausted. You wondered about what will happen if you kept hanging out with them. You wanted to think about it, but instead you went to bed.

My Partner Is An Idol | Jimin x Reader | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now