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You woke up the next morning and went to take a shower. After taking a shower and got dressed, you went back to your room to wake Jimin up. You crouch beside his sleeping figure while poking his cheek.

Y/N: Jagiya~get up its morning.
Jimin: *groans* five more minutes.
Y/N: Come one, its really late and its almost lunch.
Jimin: Wait, what time is it?
Y/N: It's 11:30 am in the morning.
Jimin: I must've been tired from cleaning yesterday.
Y/N: Now come on and get dressed. We are going out to eat with the others.
Jimin: Ok, jagiya.

You give a peck on his cheek before you went out of the room. You meet up with the others in the living room and told them that Jimin is getting ready. Your eyes widened when you see Suga already up before you.

Y/N: Wow Suga, you're up already. I wonder why?
Suga: I had to or I will get tortured by you.

He said with an annoyed tone. You just give him a smirk and wait for Jimin. After a few minutes he finally finished getting ready and we all went out for lunch.

-At Lunch-

Y/N: Is this heaven or what?

You said while munching your delicious food with a satisfying face. You couldn't help but eat and eat since food is one of your favourite things in your life. Everyone laughed and you laughed with them too.

Jin: I know the food is really good but can you eat properly Y/N? You're a girl, have some manners.
Y/N: Fine.

You keep munching your food properly so you wouldn't choke and you have to keep your manners as a girl. After everyone finished, we each payed for our own food since it's fair that way. When we went out to go to the park, Jungkook asked everyone on what to do next.

Taehyung: I have a plan!
Y/N: What is it?
Taehyung: Let's go on a date!
Jimin: Who are you going with?
Taehyung: Well Uhm...E-Ella, would you go on a date with me?

Everyone stopped walking and had a shocked look on their faces. Ella's eyes were big from the sudden question. Ella has feelings for Taehyung ever since they got closed to each other. Of course she would say yes.

Ella: S-Sure! I love to go on a date with you!
Jimin: Let's make it a double date.
Jungkook: No! A triple date!
Y/N: That's even better!
Brooke: At where are we going to have a date?
Jimin: That's a surprise. You girls just pick a casual and simple outfit, but you three must look beautiful too.
Y/N: Got it!
Ella: We should go shopping now. We'll see you boys back at the dorm!
Taehyung: We'll see you then!

After we both parted ways, we entered a mall and went to a clothes store. Each of us picked three clothes to try on. Ella and Brooke finished changing and already picked one clothes, only you are left to try your clothes on. We all payed our clothes and went back to the dorm.

-7:00 pm-
It was time to get ready. The three of us went to Brooke's room to change and did our makeup and hair. You are satisfied with your clothes and looked yourself in the mirror.

 You are satisfied with your clothes and looked yourself in the mirror

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You apply a light makeup and did you hair. You helped Brooke and Ella with their hair since you're really good at styling people's hair. (The first one is your hair, the second is Brooke and the third is Ella)

 (The first one is your hair, the second is Brooke and the third is Ella)

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After getting ready and putting on our shoes, we went to the living room to meet the boys

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After getting ready and putting on our shoes, we went to the living room to meet the boys. The boys were facing their backs at us and when Jin told them to turn, all three of them have their eyes widened and their mouth hung open. They were speechless until Jin, Suga and J Hope hit the boys back bringing them back to reality.

Jimin: Wow...
Jungkook: You girls look...
Taehyung: Perfect...
Y/N: Uhh, I think we broked them.

The girls both nod and said thanks to the boys. The boys couldn't stop complimenting about how we look until Suga told us to go already. We all went into a van and drove off. The girls kept asking where we'll be having a date but they only answer the same thing. They kept saying "It's a surprise" until we gave up and just stop asking.

We arrived after a 30 minute ride and we stopped infront of an amusement park. I was surprise and happy at the same time cause you haven't went to the amusement park since you were 12. We thanked the boys for picking the amusement park as a place for our triple date. Without any hesitation, we bought our tickets and went straight playing on the rides.

We first rode the roller coaster, then the pirate ship, bumper cars, marry go round, and etc. it was almost midnight, so our last ride was the Ferris wheel. Each couple went into separate ride to be alone together. You went inside the Ferris wheel with Jimin and sat together. The ride started to move slowly. You rest on Jimin's chest while his arm around your shoulder.

Y/N: Jimin...
Jimin: Yeah?
Y/N: Thanks for today, I had fun with you and the others.
Jimin: Me too...

Jimin suddenly went silent and you turn your head to look at him. You realize he was staring at you deeply into your eyes. Just by looking in his brown shining eyes makes your heart melt. He started to lean closer until there is no space between you two anymore. He kissed you slowly and softly and you kissed him back. The kiss was passionate and warm. You both stayed like that for a few minutes until he broked the kiss to catch his breath and you did the same. He touches his forehead onto yours not breaking the gaze between you two.

Jimin: Y/N...
Y/N: Hmm?
Jimin: I love you~
Y/N: I love you too~

And everyone went back to their dorm after the ride. Ella and Taehyung are now dating and the girls thanked the boys about the date again. We told all the fun we had today to the older members. Then, we all washed up and went to bed.

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