The funeral

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I was standing there watching my mother getting put in the ground, i didn't notice everyone around my mothers grave and i bet they didn't even 'love' her like i did, they don't care if she is dead there just here to pay respect.

I felt a hand on my shoulder i turned around to see my best friend Jack standing there with a sympathy smile i just returned a fake smile which i tell myself everyday to 'fake smile, everything will be fine' but it doesn't work and my best friend can see right through my smile. I priest went around to all the people with a bowl of dirt and when he got to me i looked at him then at the bowl, i grabbed a handful and chucked it in the grave while tears was rolling down my eyes, i was just frozen standing by my mothers grave in the dirt, she don't deserve to be in the dirt, that's not right.

As everyone payed there respects to me while they began to leave because it started raining, which i didn't budge and neither did my best friend which I'm glad for because i don't want to be alone he just stood there in silence until i broke it

"She left me Jack" he looked at me tears forming in his eyes as he can tell how hurt i am he said "She will always be here Charlotte" i stayed quiet gesturing him to carry on "I know that your putting a 'fake' smile on but i know you Cherr you are hurting in side" i forced a smiled and grabbed his hand in mine and he squeezed is slightly to say 'i love you cherr'

"She never even told me Jack, she didn't tell me she had cancer and i had to find out by the doctor" i said quietly and you could tell i was going to break any minute which i tried hard to force the lump forming in my throat to go away, which didn't help.  Tears started to drip off my face because i didn't want to move to wipe them away i just stood there in the silence as the only thing i could here was the rain and the wind.

I cant leave my mother here, alone.

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